McCain Goes Ape

McCain has lost his bleedin’ mind:

During a meeting Thursday on immigration legislation, McCain and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) got into a shouting match when Cornyn started voicing concerns about the number of judicial appeals that illegal immigrants could receive, according to multiple sources — both Democrats and Republicans — who heard firsthand accounts of the exchange from lawmakers who were in the room.

At a bipartisan gathering in an ornate meeting room just off the Senate floor, McCain complained that Cornyn was raising petty objections to a compromise plan being worked out between Senate Republicans and Democrats and the White House. He used a curse word associated with chickens and accused Cornyn of raising the issue just to torpedo a deal.

Oh, please please, dear baby Jebus, let there be a tape of John McCain ordering John Cornyn to suck his [curse word associated with chickens].

But wait! There’s more…

Things got really heated when Cornyn accused McCain of being too busy campaigning for president to take part in the negotiations, which have gone on for months behind closed doors. “Wait a second here,” Cornyn said to McCain. “I’ve been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You’re out of line.”

McCain, a former Navy pilot, then used language more accustomed to sailors (not to mention the current vice president, who made news a few years back after a verbal encounter with Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont).

“[Expletive] you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room,” shouted McCain at Cornyn.

Nice. Nothing jazzes up a little sanctimonious narcissism like the f-word.

The McCain campaign dismissed the altercation as “a spirited exchange.” Cornyn’s office declined to comment.

Naturally, I find barking “Fuck you!” at that superdouche Cornyn to be the greatest thing cranky old maverickpants has ever done.


Filed under 01_shakespeares_sister

33 responses to “McCain Goes Ape

  1. car

    What on earth curse word is associated with chick… Oh.

  2. Perhaps McCain told Conryn to flock off.

    Or that his brain was deep-fried to a crispy crunch.

    Or that he was a no-good chickenshit politician.

    Or a peckerhead.

    Or (another) dumb right-winger.

    (Apologies, but I am having such a hard time picturing him saying the word “cock”. Heee heee!)

  3. McCainle-doodle-dooo

    If they had just eaten one another, the world would been better off for the loss of both.

    Off to preach from a stage at a music fest for people who probably won’t “get” me. :>)

    (the lurker formerly known as M.H.)

  4. See, I immediately thought “chicken-fucker” which would at least give him points for originality.

    Sometimes euphemisms cause more trouble than they prevent.

  5. If they had just eaten one another, the world would been better off for the loss of both.

    … or they would both be smokin’ a .. butt?

    veritable jungle of dangerous euphemisms generated by that description.

  6. NonyNony

    Curse word associated with chickens made my mind go off on all kinds of horrible tangents before I figured out what the hell they were talking about. Damn you Washington Post!

    Ahem. I’m not sure that calling Cornyn a [curseword associated with chickens] is actually a negative, is it? I mean, maybe with the Washington press corpse, but I think I’ve probably at least called Cornyn a [curseword associated with donkeys] and a [curseword associated with female dogs] because, really, anyone who has followed his career at all knows that the man is a giant [curseword associated with needles].

  7. rxl

    curse word associated with grouting

    curse word associated with a poultry dish marinated in wine

    This is fun!

  8. oddjob

    I believe I’ve read rumors before suggesting this isn’t unusual behavior for McCain. I know for certain I’ve read before that he is not well liked by other senators and that he has a famously ugly temper.

  9. His rants are well known enough that the Bush campaign counted on it in 2000 during the primaries, hoping to push his buttons to get him to go off in public. That was the motive behind the whispering campaign about his “black child” launched by Karl Rove.

  10. Sam Hensel

    What episode of South Park had John McCain? That looks great.

  11. Last Sunday morn with Tim Russert, McCain stumbled and caught himself . . . he said something like ‘rule with a big d___ …caught himself but got the ‘d’ very distinctively pronounced ‘ah’ and corrected himself. I believe it. Wonder whom it is he has been having such cursing conversations with so often it would overtake his milder demeanor he had before. I believe he said what he said.

    Those with better video may find it here.

  12. As MB said, McCain’s explosive temper is old news for political junkies, although, as always, it rarely gets mentioned in the mass media.

    As for the McCain/South Park drawing, I don’t know if it’s where this drawing originated, but there’s a nifty site where you can create your own South Park characters:

  13. Ivory Bill Woodpecker

    “Apeshit McCain and the Chicken Fuckers” would be an awesome name for a rock band.

  14. McCain is unstable. He’s a loose cannon. Why doesn’t he just quit the race now? He has zero chance of being nominated.

  15. redlegphi

    McCain is unstable. He’s a loose cannon. Why doesn’t he just quit the race now? He has zero chance of being nominated.

    Actually, my first read of this left me wondering if McCain did this on purpose and wanted it to get out. I mean, he tried to cultivate this image as a maverick who’s bucking the system before. Now this news comes out where he’s yelling at members of his own party who risk fucking up a bipartisan deal? Could anything say “I’m a lovable maverick who’s willing to cast aside my party’s ambitions and work in a bipartisan manner for the good of the American people” more? Perhaps I’m just a cynic.

  16. Erin M

    curse word associated with grouting

    curse word associated with a poultry dish marinated in wine

    Caulk and marsala?

    I’m so confused…

    I like the jab at Cheney in the article, though.

  17. Chromosome Crawl

    perhaps he didn’t use the “c-word” and instead said “poult”??????

    Oh wait, THAT’s not a curse word.

    Well, (curse word associated with fecal material), if this doesn’t show that McLame is a (curse word associated with a coital act)-ing (curse word associated with a donkey)-hole…..

    THIS IS KINDA FUN! Lengthy, but fun!

  18. I love this comment on this post at WP.

    The way that Hanoi John kiss’s the butts of Kommie Kennedy and Marxist Feingold, it makes one wonder if just maybe the North Vietnamese were able to ‘RE-EDUCATE” McCain! If he thinks he can find someone to vote for him besides the leftists, he’ll have to look in Davy Jones’ locker, cause his chances have sunk. I have heard a chicken curse. As a child I tried to put an egg back in a chicken weere it came out…..It cursed….I’m sure!!

    MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE! That might be the movie tonight. Angela Lansbury is delicious!

    EGGS! I did plenty of stupid things as a child, but it takes a “special” kid to try to shove an egg back in a chicken.

    Think Dubya tried it?

  19. Erin M.:
    curse word associated with grouting

    curse word associated with a poultry dish marinated in wine

    Caulk and marsala?

    I’m so confused…

    I’m actually guessing the second one may be coq au vin — so caulk and coq, then… I confess that I’m still lost as to the “curseword associated with needles,” however. Pincushion? Stitch? Oh, maybe tool?

    Man, I’ve got to stock up on popcorn — watching the Republican presidential candidates make further asses of themselves over the next 8-ish months is going to be fun to watch…

  20. bluelady

    “curseword associated with needles”


  21. Could anything say “I’m a lovable maverick who’s willing to cast aside my party’s ambitions and work in a bipartisan manner for the good of the American people” more?

    Well, if that’s the case, then he’s even more stupid than I thought he was. Because there’s nothing “lovable” about McCain’s unhinged behavior, and no normal person could think there was.

  22. Oh, I immediately thought “chickenshit”. Huh.

  23. Curseword associated with sphincters…

    Curseword that rhymes with Bundt…

    George Carlin would have a ball with this.

  24. Natash F. (but not Fatale)

    Um, I didn’t realize that “cock” was a curse word, and I didn’t put it together with the “chicken curse” until it was spelled out as ‘suck my (chicken curse)’. But I have to admit that ‘chicken curse’ is kind of growing on me as I type this, and I might now be inspired to shout “chicken curse” the next time I feel like cursing, although that might not exactly be the next time I’m shouting “cock!”

  25. Um, I didn’t realize that “cock” was a curse word, and I didn’t put it together with the “chicken curse” until it was spelled out as ‘suck my (chicken curse)’. But I have to admit that ‘chicken curse’ is kind of growing on me as I type this, and I might now be inspired to shout “chicken curse” the next time I feel like cursing, although that might not exactly be the next time I’m shouting “cock!”

  26. PortlyDyke

    You know, that’s just exactly what I think every time I see John McCain:

    “Oh my gosh and gollies, there’s that lovable maverick!!”

    Oh, my mistake — brain cramp — what I actually think is:

    What a miserable mother-[curse-word associated with fornication under command of the king]ing [curseword associated with heinie]-hole.

    Pardon my french.

  27. Chicken curse… “Cluck you!” ?

  28. shen

    bah, they are all curse words associated with republicans……

  29. Revenge of the chicken. Thinking I would return and find many chicken jokes, like ‘the best ever chicken joke’ … Hen-re

    It starts something like
    there was a farmer that needed a rooster cause he had a hen house and wanted to well re-populate.

    boy did he get a rooster, it is online somewhere, or was many years ago. Being a long chicken joke with a wonderfully ending sure to soar some ribs with profound laughter and myself not articulate enough to do that I will leave the hint and go with a …

    well I agree with redlegphi as said: “this left me wondering if McCain did this on purpose and wanted it to get out” after all it is whom he is courting that counts.

  30. oddjob

    redlegphi, I understand how you might come to your suspicion, but after you read the accounts at this Talkingpointsmemo link, I think you’ll probably change your mind. I think the much better explanation is that this was just another in a regular, ongoing series of raging outbursts from the man.

    It’s how he lives his life. I believe it calls into question the fitness of his temperament for the Oval Office.

  31. bluelady: “Prick?”

    Lizard Queen: [facepalm]


  32. What episode of South Park had John McCain? That looks great.

    I created it, actually, using a German South Park character generator, lol.

    Oh, I immediately thought “chickenshit”.

    It could have been. I was just guessing.

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