Rape is Hilarious

Via Breitbart TV, this clip from the XM radio show of “shock jocks” Opie and Anthony is truly sickening. Please be warned—it’s got extremely offensive and vulgar language and is definitely not worksafe.

One of their guests, a man called Homeless Charlie, says, “I’ll tell you what—what’s that George Bush bitch, um, Rice…? Condoleezza Rice? … I’d love to fuck that bitch dead, man,” at which point the rest of the studio erupts into laughter. Homeless Charlie says again, “I’ll fuck that bitch to death,” to which Opie/Anthony reply, “I just imagine the horror in Condoleezza Rice’s face—” [uproarious laughter and interjection “When she realizes what’s going on!”] “—as you’re just like holding her down and fucking her.” More uproarious laughter, prompting Homeless Charlie to continue: “Punch her all in the fucking face—shut up, bitch!” Says Opie/Anthony: “That’s exactly what I meant!” [raucous laughter]

Continues Homeless Charlie: “And George Bush wife? I’ll fuck that bitch to death!” Opie/Anthony (pretending to be Homeless Charlie): “Hey woman! Hey woman! I’ll show you a real man! Why don’t you come by my box?—I’ll show you a real man!” [laughter]

And then, just so this spectacular conversation doesn’t die a premature death, one of the hosts prompts Homeless Charlie to keep going, with: “Hey—what about, uh, what about the Queen? Current events—the Queen just finally went back to her dumb castle or whatever.” Homeless Charlie exclaims: “Fuck that bitch! … Fuck the Queen. She lost. You lost, bitch. Why you coming over here, you horse-faced looking bitch? [whinny]” [laughter]

What a bunch of wacky crack-ups these guys are.

Honestly, I’m not sure I can accurately convey how deeply upsetting this clip is. It pisses me off to no fucking end—I can feel the anger twisting in my gut and curling its tendrils around my ribs like its own seething entity—but it also frightens me. The first time I listened to it, goosebumps raised across my flesh and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. The hatred of women is palpable; the urge to dominate and destroy. Fuck that bitch to death. And then we come to the Queen, who, as she is a “horse-faced looking bitch,” is tellingly not threatened with rape—because, you see, being fucked to death and punched in the face by a piece of shit called Homeless Charlie is a compliment. Rape is only something that happens to attractive women.

Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?

Naturally, I’ll be called a humorless feminist. Fine. If not laughing at a bunch of men sitting around talking about fucking women to death makes me a humorless feminist, then I wear the badge proudly—because I’m not just a humorless feminist; I’m a bitch who was nearly fucked to death. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?

I’m a bitch who tore out her fingernails by the roots in the carpet trying to crawl away from someone who nearly fucked me to death. I’m a bitch whose face was smashed against a stone fireplace because I fought back, leaving me groggy and bleeding from one end—and with a permanently chipped tooth as a souvenir—while I got torn apart at the other. I’m a bitch who was left lying in a pool of her own blood, which I later cleaned up so my parents wouldn’t find out, because I was 16 years old and scared and ashamed and grew up in a culture that tells bitches who nearly get fucked to death that it’s their fault. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?

You know what it feels like to be nearly fucked to death? It feels like your insides are being ripped out of your body. It feels humiliating. It feels like the intangible thing that makes one a person is being irreparably broken. By the end of it, you feel as though death would be relief from the pain and the shame and utter, wretched brokenness of self you feel. And, being lucky enough to be only nearly fucked to death, you get to live with that for the rest of your life, and, perhaps, on your thirty-third birthday, you might realize that this is the year when you’ll have lived longer with those scars across your skin and your soul than you lived without them.

Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?

Maybe Opie and Anthony would like to hear how hilarious they are.


Filed under 01_shakespeares_sister

300 responses to “Rape is Hilarious

  1. anangryoldbroad

    I hate them. And the scariest thing to me is that they are popular,huge numbers of listeners. That there is a demand for this is what angers,saddens and frightens me to no end.

    I’m trying to raise a son in this culture. Raise him to be kind,compassionate and have respect for women as simply human beings. When shit like this happens,I feel like I don’t stand a chance.

    I hate them,and I hate this fucking culture.

  2. Who thinks that shit is funny?

    Not this guy, or his sons.

  3. the scariest thing to me is that they are popular,huge numbers of listeners. That there is a demand for this is what angers,saddens and frightens me to no end

    You and me both, AOB. And, quite frankly, I’m horrified by anyone who doesn’t share some serious concern about that state of affairs.

  4. Ivory Bill Woodpecker

    Nothing wrong with that son of a bitch that a guillotine couldn’t fix. A rapist has no right to call himself a man.

  5. Not this guy

    Ken, I hope you’ll take a moment to contact the show and let them know that. One of the reasons the complaints of women are so easily dismissed is because we’re for the most part the only ones who complain. I quite genuinely believe that there are a hell of a lot of men who will be equally offended by this, but they probably won’t contact the show in remotely proportionate numbers to the women who will.

    It would be great if guys like you took just a moment to tell Opie and Anthony that you don’t think that shit is funny, and you’re trying to raise sons who don’t think it is, either. I bet that’s a message they rarely get.

  6. DBK

    Ah, but you see, you’re supposed to have a “sense of humor” about it. Because sexual assault is hilarious.

    No, I don’t get it either. I like comedy a lot. I love to laugh. But what some people consider comedy is too much of a mirror into their sickness to be funny to anyone but people who are similarly sick. There is a genuine illness in the world when it comes to women. There is an “Opie and Anthonyness”, a kind of desperation to be liked so that they will say anything and do anything to try and gain acceptance, including reveal themselves way too much.

    Last night I was at an amateur comedy competition. One of the people at my table, a friend, is an FBI agent who works on catching child pornographers. One of the comedians went into a bit about being on Dateline NBC and but it was an accident because he’s dyslexic and he thought the boy wrote that he was “31 years old”. Okay, so it’s a comedy bit and not nearly as loathesome as that trash quoted above. But I looked at my FBI agent friend and I kind of knew he wouldn’t be laughing. And he wasn’t. Instead, he looked like he was memorizing the comedian’s face. What we think is funny, what we say as a joke, says an awful lot about what we really think and who we really are. I had the same reaction as my friend did when the comedian said his bit about sex with minors: that guy has definitely thought about it in a non-comedy context.

    Opie and Anthony and their little friend are all beating on women in their minds, all hating women in their hearts, and all, ultimately, afraid of women inside. They just can’t deal with women, for some reason, and have to humiliate and dominate them in order to face them. Some part of them is very twisted and sick and frighteningly violent. There’s no “sense of humor about it” in any of that. They really need some serious therapy.

  7. "Fair and Balanced" Dave

    I wonder how Opie and Anthony would feel about a “comic” routine about the two of them being anally raped in prison? I’ll bet their studio audience would think it’s a laff riot–hey they’re a couple of “cute” guys who are just “asking for it”.

  8. It is amazing to see people making rape jokes… I am like DBK in that I am a huge fan of humor. HUGE fan. Yet earlier this week I stumbled upon a post at a very popular sports blog where in the middle of an imagined “funny” scene they had one of their characters make a comment about raping someone.

    I just don’t get it… it is below juvenile.

  9. Arkades

    What a lousy birthday present that story makes.

    I’m sorry for your pain, Liss.

  10. Who are the sponsors of this horrible show? Let’s let them know what they are funding.

  11. Who are the sponsors of this horrible show?

    They don’t have sponsors, because they’re on satellite (subscription) radio.

  12. DBK’s bit about saying anything to be accepted is probably spot on. I find this from the Wikipedia entry on O&A pretty telling. On April 26, 2006 they returned to terrestrial radio after a stint on XM subscription satellite radio where they were because they’d been canceled due to a sex-in-public stunt. Initially the couple of stations they were on doubled ratings, but since the initial rise ratings have been stagnant. Also, there has been a drop-off in ratings in shows following the O&A show. The Wiki is unclear on whether the drop is in XM or FM shows — I suspect the latter as people who used to listen to morning radio and then follow on to the next show stopped listening, and the new listeners only want to hear O&A crap.

    Whatever the case, they want ratings (acceptance) so anything goes.

    Is the clip from the XM show? Not that that excuses it, but I can’t imagine it being on regular radio even now. And, they’ll hide under the idea that XM is subscription so they can say what they want, even rape talk I guess.

    I’ll send a letter to any station in Maryland that might carry them, XM if it’s the one that aired this, other stations to tell them I heard the clip on the Internet and find it offensive… I couldn’t even finish listening to it.

  13. And, they’ll hide under the idea that XM is subscription so they can say what they want, even rape talk I guess.

    That’s exactly why they’re there. So they can say reprehensible shit like this without consequences. If no sponsors pull out, and their listeners love it, they’re gold.

    Seriously, all men that are infuriated by this need to contact them and complain in the strongest possible terms. It’s okay to be pissed, but be polite and firm.

    I’m so sorry, Melissa.

  14. Actually, XM radio has a lot of sponsors. Here’s their sponsor page.

    Also, Avis, National and Alamo all put XM in their cars. Perhaps they should be told that our business will go to Hertz.

    Here’s the email I sent the show:

    This is hilarious, trust me. You could have Homeless Charlie talking, right, about this time some random guy walked past his box. So Charlie takes him down, ok. And he takes like a broomstick or one of those Maglite, rips the guys pants apart and just shoves the Maglite up the dude’s ass, as far as it will go. Probably the guy would need to be tied down or something.

    Ok, so the maglite is way up the guy’s ass, probably puncturing stuff, making him bleed out or something. You know, like the guy who died from having sex with a horse. Then Homeless Charlie goes up and starts punching the guy in the face – but only with one hand, and this is the funny part, because with his other hand Homeless Charlie is just jacking it. You know, getting off real hard. So the guy with the Maglite up his ass is dying, probably crying and stuff, and Homeless Charlie is just jacking hard while punching the guy in the face. Then, right when the guy dies, Charlie just spooges all over his face, all over the cuts and stuff.

    Hilarious, right? You’re laughing your head off right now, aren’t you?

    Or maybe you don’t think it’s funny, because rape isn’t funny. Not even when you’re talking about raping women or “fucking them to death.”

    I just emailed “The Virus” to complain about you. Plus, I’m contacting XM’s sponsors to complain about you, and even the rental car companies that have XM radio in their cars.

    Either you can be funny without joking about rape, or you’re just not that good at your jobs. I’m guessing the latter, but why don’t you surprise me?

  15. semafour

    Isn’t this the kind of thing that the FCC would consider obscene? I don’t know much about the federal indecency laws with regard to how/if they apply to satellite radio, but it seems like a protest of some sort should be launched. It’s frustrating me to no end to feel so powerless about this. I’ve had close friends experience sexual assault, and there is absolutely nothing funny about it – it simply cannot be considered a joking matter. How sad that they choose this as a way of getting attention…

  16. Bethynyc

    I went to the XM Satellite Radio site, and after some hunting found a feedback page.


    If the link doesn’t work, go to XM Satellite Radio help and support page, http://xmradio.com/help/index.xmc Click the very tiny “email us” button in the middle of the page, and then under Programming/XM Channels, click the last radio button for Misc comments and questions. There is a form to fill out.

    Hope this helps, and they get a deluge of emails!

  17. Oh, yeah, now they’re on terrestrial radio and XM. I think they “edit” the regular radio stuff, which probably means they still joke about rape, but they bleep out the dreaded “F word.”

    So here’s the list of terrestrial stations that carry them.

  18. Thanks for the entry Shakes. Not a happy reminder of how serious this is.

    To further add to the disgust, we have Neal Boortz (for those who don’t feel like reading it) basically saying “Wow, that sure is bad, but look at what it’s going to do to ME!

    Threat to us all

  19. Ken, I hope you’ll take a moment to contact the show and let them know that.

    Happy Birthday Melissa.
    It will go out in today’s mail.

    Ken Barnes
    1415 Jackson
    Port Lavaca, TX 77979

    Program Director
    XM Programming Center and Corporate Headquarters
    1500 Eckington Place, NE
    Washington, DC 20002

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Recently, on the Opie and Anthony show, a bit was done featuring “Homeless Charlie”. During this segment, Homeless Charlie discussed raping Condoleezza Rice. While I understand the nature of this show, and this type of programming, I would like to make the following point.

    Rape is not funny.

    At what point can the violent, abhorrent and humiliating act of rape be humorous?


    From the show:

    “Punching her in the face”, while “holding her down and fucking her.”

    I’m sorry that is not humor – that is violent and criminal. Violence against women isn’t funny.

    I am a 44 year old male. I am not a prude; I am not offended by the word fuck. I am not offended by off color jokes. I am offended that anyone would use such a sick and repulsive act as rape to try and glean a laugh.

    Thank you,

    Ken Barnes

  20. Bethynyc

    oh look…they apologized. Well, that makes it ALL BETTER, then. /sarcasm


  21. Stephen–A+ sourcing work. I will write to them all, too.

    This has really gone too far. I am at a loss for words. I say we all deluge the stations and rental car companies, as with the Imus situation. If the stations don’t have the decency to address this, perhaps a little financial self-interest (i.e. not losing sponsors) will nudge them.

    Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from the consequences of one’s speech.

  22. JoshWatermanMN

    oh look…they apologized. Well, that makes it ALL BETTER, then. /sarcasm


    Notice the title of the article:
    XM Shock Jocks Apologize for Sex Comment

    Surely “Rape” comment is more appropriate discription. Again, someone having a problem conflating “sex” with “rape.” Clearly, “fucking someone dead” and “holding them down” and “I would love to see her face” all pool together into a terrible, violent scenerio.

    Some would point to the “coarsening of our culture” and “drifting from family values” is to blame, but frankly I think we could trace this back to Rush Limbaugh. The man has been able to say absolutely anything on the air, even being in favor of killing people, and he has had to face no real reprisal. Rush Limbaugh opened the door for this bullshit.

  23. I’m so sorry, Melissa.

    Know who I’m sorry for? The women who will get raped by the men who listened to this shit and laughed along, because it’s all just a big fucking joke.

  24. Josh, you’re right. “Sex comment.” Jesus. And per the article these two idiots apologized “to the public officials” – whatever that means. I guess they were apologizing only to the women named in this “comedy”? As if making rape “jokes” isn’t insulting to everybody – man and woman? Lame!

    I was toying with the idea of signing up for XM because I’ve heard some of Bob Dylan’s show and I liked it. Not now, though, and I will let them know until they take some kind of action.

  25. What kills me is if you don’t laugh at a horror like this, you’re a humorless, man-hating feminist. But if you say the exact same violent, horrific things about men you’re a humorless, man-hating feminist.

    Fucking patriarchy.

  26. I can’t listen to them, what you have posted is enough. As a rape victim, I find this so horrifically un-funny. I will head over to XM and let them know how sick and brutal this is. Schmucks.

  27. Jay in Oregon

    Oh, but it’s all better now, because they apologized.

    Not to women in geneal, or to their listeners, but to Condoleezza Rice, Laura Bush, and the Queen of England (well, “the public officials” they so gleefully described raping and punching in the face).

    I’m going to take those addresses that were posted earlier and write.

    Because I can’t imagine raising a young man in this hate-filled, misogynist culture, let alone a youg woman who would become the focus of so much hostility and bile.

    And also because it’s Melissa’s birthday, and I can’t think of a better present than being the straw that broke the camel’s back and got those two scumbags fired.

  28. Kevin

    Incredibly, I was in the process of having an XM system put in my truck, this weekend.

    After reading this, I’ve cancelled the sale and let XM know why. There’s no way I’m paying money for that kind of horseshit.

  29. Melissa, what you wrote makes my cry. Like, seriously cry. God damn it.

  30. My letter is off to XM via the comment page at the least. I’ve saved it so I can mail it via snail mail soon.

    Dear XM —

    Congratulations on your current promotional campaign. The Opie & Anthony Show and it’s recent “comedy” bit featuring “Homeless Charlie” is making the rounds of the Internet, is hitting the newspapers, and should soon be ensuring that XM is on the lips of people all across America. The saying is that even bad press can be good, however I am not that sure in this case.

    You see, Homeless Charlie, Opie, and Anthony were laughing about fucking people to death. They were making very pointed comments about holding women down and raping them. This is not some off-handed comment that some woman needs a man (as if that would be okay, too). What the show talked about that day is reprehensible, criminal, and vile.

    Have you attracted notice? Yes. In fact, there are many out here who are going to ensure that your partners and sponsors, such as AT&T, Bose, Natinal Car Rental, J.C. Penney and NAPA and more notice. Your sponsor’s page features Mother’s Day ads from ice.com and ProFlowers. How will they feel about their Mother’s Day promotions being associated with the same place that jokes about raping mothers?

    Opie and Anthony have issued an apology, but it does not go far enough. Even if we can accept it, an apology does not mean they go without punishment. Will you punish them? Do you have the guts to lose whatever money they might possibly be making for you and say to to everyone that this kind of talk is not protected, it isn’t right, and it isn’t funny?


    Michael Lewis
    Grasonville, MD

    I’m sending versions of this right now to ice.com and ProFlowers since that could have some immediate impact since we’re so close to Mother’s Day.

  31. Happy Birthday Melissa.

    Thank you, Ken.

    Jay’s right. Having people care about this enough to act on it is actually a great birthday present.

  32. RachelPhilPa

    I’m so angry at this, that I am literally shaking. Although I’ve never been explicitly sexually assaulted, I suffered from many years of transphobic harrassments and physical assaults in school, which I feel has its roots in the same misogyny that drives Opie and Anthony’s vile sewage.

    And you know what’s fucked? I’m trying to figure out how I can contact XM Radio, etc, in a way that protects my identity so that I won’t get harassed. So, yeah, I’d appreciate it if male Shakers would take the time to contact the appropriate organizations.

    Melissa, I’m so sorry for what that rapist did to you, and sorry that you had to hear this crap and be reminded of that experience.

  33. There’s a list of email addresses and contact info for all of the stations that broadcast this program, up at The Fat Lady Sings

  34. Doug

    My email to XM:

    “I was seriously considering an XM subscription until I heard the Opie @ Anthony “rape” segment this morning. Now, I can guarantee that you won’t be getting a subscription out of me if it means helping to keep those hatemongers employed.

    “Simply put, rape is not funny. Nor is making fun of homeless or mentally ill people, incidentally (i.e., the “Charlie” character). In fact, there are probably thousands of rape victims who have haven been traumatized all over again today thanks to you. If that was your intent, congratulations. If not, I urge you to rethink your programming. Thank you for listening.”

    I’m not sure complaining to XM does all that much (it’s like stepping on a single cockroach when what we need to do is fumigate) but it’s better than nothing.

    Happy Birthday, Shakes. I’ll bake a cake and bring it to the Virtual Pub tonight.

  35. I just tried to email Opie and Anthony directly, and my email came back.

  36. I didn’t know the details on this until now. I saw the story headline on Memeorandum, but I didn’t look at the article. I don’t know what I thought it was, but definitely not what Melissa just transcribed above.

    I can’t really add anything meaningful to what others have already written about how sickening this is. I do want to say that the dialogue of those two vermin brings back a very powerful memory from when I was at the University of Minnesota. (I was there for one year in 1974.)

    The setting was one of the lounges in my dormitory. There were two guys in the lounge, and they had the tv tuned to “A Case of Rape,” which was a highly acclaimed made-for-tv movie starring Elizabeth Montgomery (whom I absolutely adore and worship, may her soul rest in peace).

    I knew the movie was going to be on, but hadn’t wanted to watch it. I came into the lounge, and saw what was on. The scene at that moment was right after Montgomery’s character had been raped. I think she was in the shower, desperately trying to scrub the rape off herself. Just watching it made me want to jump up and propel myself out of the room. I felt like I had springs attached to me.

    The “men” were laughing. They were laughing. And one of them said, “Wow, I guess she’s really upset.” Laughing as he said it.

    I felt, if possible, even sicker, and I’m sure my face showed it. I turned and walked out of the lounge, without having said one word, and I could feel those creeps’ laughter following me at my back.

    The point of this story is, I am certain, without the shadow of a doubt, that the remark that was made — “Wow, I guess she’s really upset!” — was made because I was there. It was for my benefit. I’m sure of that. There was no one else in the room, and if they had been alone, they would not have said it. I’m absolutely sure of it.

    That’s what made it so profoundly upsetting and frightening. I can’t say I felt physically threatened, by them, in that moment, but I did feel as if I had been given a threat. I’m not sure if I’m conveying the distinction well.

    To this day, I remember that incident in every detail, and that is unusual for me, because I have a very bad long-term memory. I can barely remember anything specific that happened to me growing up. Of course, I was an adult then, but it was over 30 years ago, and I have very few memories as vivid as that one from that long ago.

    I just wanted to share that.

  37. Kathy, thank you.

    This stuff gets so OLD.

  38. Isn’t this the kind of thing that the FCC would consider obscene?

    Sadly, it seems like it was just on satellite:

    Chris Kinard, Interim Program Director – CNKinard@cbs.com
    Reply :
    Thank you for listening to WJFK. I wanted to let you know that we are reviewing the situation. I also wanted to make you aware that Opie and Anthony do two radio shows… one for CBS Radio including WJFK, and a separate show for XM Satellite Radio. The segment you are referencing did NOT air on WJFK or CBS Radio in any way, shape, or form at any time. It was broadcast on the XM show. Again, I appreciate your feedback.
    Chris Kinard

    Program Director-WJFK FM
    Executive Producer-The Junkies
    FREE FM 106.7 WJFK
    Washington, D.C.
    office: 703-279-2841
    10800 Main St.
    Fairfax, VA 22030

  39. magikmama

    Hey – this is not yet complete – as I have time today I will update with additional sponsor info:

    Alltel Wireless:
    If you are a customer, you can text them directly from your phone, free of charge.
    Building 4, 5th Floor
    One Allied Drive
    Little Rock, AR 72202-2099

    American Equipment Leasing
    Email : bbolin@aelfi.com

    American Express
    If you have a card, you can use your online account to send a message to their pr department on the “contact us” page.
    P.O. Box 297812
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33329-7812

    Associate Tax Relief
    Email: webquote@associatedtaxrelief.com

    Shareholder Services:
    Drucill.cessac@att.com or Elva.gonzalez@att.com
    Additionally, if you are a customer, you can contact them directly through their website, under “contact us”

    Bogue Watch
    Email infor@boguewatch.com
    Phone 866-432-6749

    Bose Radio
    Phone 508-879-7330

    BowFlex (owned by Nautilus Corp)
    Email rarp@nautilos.com
    He’s the head of their PR department.

    Cardinal Logistics
    Fax 704.788.6618
    Phone 800.800.8293

    Carrabbas Italian Grill
    You can contact them via their website http://www.carrabbas.com

    You can contact their PR department via their website http://www.celestron.com

    Coldwell Banker
    You can contact their corporate headquarters via their website http://www.coldwellbanker.com

  40. Purtek

    Melissa–I have an insane amount of respect for your willingness to publicly discuss your horrifying experience and how it relates to this kind of bullshit. And I know that the topic itself makes it obvious that the “read more” content is likely to be disturbing, and that relating your personal story is about waking people up to just how disturbing this is. But would it be possible to put a warning up before the “continue reading”? I know there’s a warning on the clip, but I wasn’t prepared for the rest of the written content, which was of a much more triggering nature for me, personally. I hope it’s not overstepping to ask, and I’m honestly sorry to feel I have to do so.

    However, having read this story on a couple of other blogs already, it’s comforting (small comfort, but nonetheless) to read a post in which not one commenter has questioned whether what is being described in the clip is rape. A recent “spoof” issue of a student newspaper of a nearby university featured a “satire” of “Take Back the Night” protests and included a graphic reference to the police chief taking one of the feminists’ vaginas (the genitalia having been personified) into the back alley to “teach it a lesson” with his “greased nightstick”. The most prominent Canadian newsmagazine article on the reaction against it said “No mention of rape is made in the article”. Similar statements are being made about this broadcast.

    It seems that those who would belittle rape and sexual assault have to use the word “rape” in order for it to count. Of all the things to be upset about with this shit, that’s the one that finally caused me to break down in tears. It makes me wonder if, in an actual assault scenario, a rapist has to say “I’m going to rape you now” in order for it to count as “real rape”.

  41. As a rape survivor I am appalled – but not surprised. In case you all haven’t noticed – violent speech towards women is growing by leaps and bounds. Opie and Anthony are not alone in their rape fantasy. Just listen to the laughter in the background.

    I want to see these assholes fired – and the letter I sent XM radio requested that they do just that. I would suggest that letters be sent to all the sponsors tout de suite. It may be possible to actually do something about this on the heels of the Imus firing. At least – I hope so.

  42. But would it be possible to put a warning up before the “continue reading”?

    No, I’m sorry. And I say that with all due respect and after no small amount of considering your request very seriously. I feel that adding a warning reinforces the idea that my experience is something about which I should be ashamed. And I can’t do that.

  43. mac

    These two fucks are on our local alternative radio station every afternoon, just in time for kids to get out of school. Their new found freedom on XM is allowing their true colors to show. Perhaps it will effect the perception of their appropriateness for public airwaves. I sure hope so as they are truly the most unfunny couple of douche bags I have ever heard. It is truly a shame that there is a market for this shit on XM.

    My letter to the XM channel hosting them:

    Dear XM Radio “The virus” channel,

    Considering Opie and Anthony:

    Despite their obvious delusions to the contrary these two are the sickest, most unfunny, uncool examples of the lowest, base human condition possible. Please discontinue your participation and therefore responsibility for the propagation of their show which is at best unfortunate, unnecessary and completely without merit in terms of art, comedy or intellectual content.

  44. Nik E Poo

    “We apologize to the public officials for comments that we made on our XM show on May 9th. We take very seriously the responsibility that comes with our creative freedom and regret any offense that this segment has caused,” they said.

    And they follow up with a non-apology. I’m so pissed I can’t hardly breath. And what about this hate crime legislation we keep hearing about?? These sick scumbags should be in jail.

  45. “I’m trying to raise a son in this culture.”

    And I am trying to raise daughters… at what point do you teach them the lesson that numerous people on the planet think their bodies are not their own?

  46. Received from Proflowers.com:

    Dear , Michael

    Thank you for your suggestion. I will forward this immediately to the marketing team for further review. We appreciate your feedback as it allows us to reach and satisfy more customers.

    Best Regards,

    CS Esperanza Garcia
    Customer Care
    The Art of Fresher Flowers

    My letter to them was simple and direct. I asked that they please review their advertising policy with XM Radio, especially their Mother’s Day promotion, considering the definitely anti-mother violent rape segment. I provided a link to the Google “video” with the audio segment that Melissa gave above.

    Faced with that audio segment, I don’t think any advertiser can honestly stay on board. Even if their crass enough to giggle at it, they’ll side with their dollars.

  47. their=they’re… I’m really mixing up my homonyms lately. Argh.

  48. Jay in Oregon

    Here’s the comment I posted; I apologize for any offense in appropriating your story, Melissa, but I thought that it added the necessary weight.

    Why I Will Never Buy An XM Radio

    An aquaintance of mine’s birthday is today. She was telling us about a recent episode of Opie & Anthony Show where a person (actor?) named “Homeless Charlie” was joking about raping and “f**king to death” various women to death, including Condoleezza Rice and Laura Bush, while Opie & Anthony craked up and egged him on.

    This friend of mine was telling us why she didn’t find it funny; today is her 33rd birthday, and this marks the first year where has been alive longer after _she_ was nearly “f**ked to death” than she was before she was raped. She was thrown facefirst into a fireplace while her attacker was raping her. She was left in a pool of her own blood at the age of 16 and cleaned it up so her parents wouldn’t find out, because women who get raped must have done something wrong, or were asking for it.

    These things don’t happen in a vacuum; whether it’s Opie & Anthony and friends joking about how much they’d like to punch a woman in the face and rape her, or Don Imus referring to a bunch of smart, talented baskeball players as “nappy-headed hos”; these conversations are repeated in locker rooms, and on school buses, and in online chats, until one day it boils over and someone’s daughter, or sister, or mother, or wife, or friend is assaulted. Or raped. Or killed. Or all three.

    I know that Opie & Anthony have “apologized” to the “public figures” that they attacked on their show. What they need to do is to apologize to their listeners and fans for making them think it’s acceptable — even admirable and enviable — to joke about raping women. And then they need to leave the air, never to be seen in the public eye again.

    I know this will never happen. They’ve apologized, right? They’re sorry, OK? And even when, a week or two from now, they’re talking about some celebrity’s chest size or daring callers to have sex in public places or railing against the mean feminists, it’s not the same thing at all! I just need to get over it!

    Which is why this is titled “Why I Will Never Buy An XM Radio”. Because XM apparently cares more about raking in those subscribers’ dollars than what kind of impact they’re having on society. Otherwise Opie & Anthony would be filing for unemployment even as I typed this.

  49. Here’s a comment from my post on this matter:

    xzi Edit Link May 11th, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    “I don’t like it so they shouldn’t be able to say it”. Stop crying, the only people contacting XM about their show are the new subscribers that want to hear what else they talk about unlike your narrow-minded 45 second view of one show taken out of context.

    Trust me, it’s COMEDY.

    Trust him, guys! It’s totally funny! If you’re a rapist!

  50. My reply:

    Res Publica Edit Link May 11th, 2007 at 2:57 pm

    a) Nobody’s crying here, b) nobody’s suggesting they shouldn’t be able to “say it” here, and c) fuck off. People who don’t want to be criticized shouldn’t talk about RAPING the Secretary of State TO DEATH. When you talk about RAPING PEOPLE TO DEATH, you’re pretty much sure to come in for roundly deserved ridicule.

  51. I read this post this morning, but had to dash off to work before I could comment. I spent the day bush-hogging (that’s mowing, for those who’ve never been on a farm) a field and pondering my letter of outrage. This is what I came up with:

    To: Director of Programming, XM Radio

    Dear Sir/Madam:
    I have never had the misfortune to listen to the “Opie and Anthony” program. Indeed, I was only minimally aware of their existence until this morning. That has changed, and not in a way that will encourage me to subscribe to your service.

    I heard, this morning, a clip from the aforementioned show, that entailed a ‘skit’ wherein a character named “Homeless Charlie” fantasizes about raping Condoleeza Rice, Laura Bush and Queen Elizabeth II.

    To promulgate this disgusting and hateful diatribe is surely one of the most horrible things I can imagine. Do you not realize that there are thousands and thousands of rape victims who, simply by hearing this tripe, are forced to relive their ghastly experiences? Do you have any idea what trauma they are experiencing, due to the sophomoric and misogynistic ‘humor’ you have promoted on your service?

    You may say that this ‘skit’ is an expression of free speech, on a subscription-only satellite radio program. That if a person is offended by the ‘skit’, they can always tune to one of the other channels you offer. Well, I have news for you. This ‘skit’, this so called bit of ‘humor’, this attack on all women has spread like wildfire across the internet.

    How else would I even be aware of it? I am not – and, as of the moment I heard this tripe, will never be a subscriber of your services. Furthermore, I shall make damn sure that any friends or family of mine who are will be made aware of the level of programming you offer on your system, and will do everything in my power to have them cancel their subscriptions and destroy their XM receivers.

    In addition, I will be forwarding a copy of this letter to every sponsor of your programming that I can identify, and will suggest that if they do not reconsider their sponsorship of XM programming, they shall never see a dime of my money.


    [my name]

  52. Anyone who is a subscriber to DirecTV, you should know that they carry the XM channel that broadcasts this show. Go to their webpage, http://www.directv.com, and send them a message of displeasure. Here’s what I sent:

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am a big fan of my DirecTV service. I particularly enjoy the XM Radio channels. It was a great disappointment when I recently learned that you carry the Opie and Anthony show. I have no problem with their vulgar language — I swear like a sailor at times, myself. What I have a problem with is their recent comments advocating the raping and “fucking to death” of prominent women such as Condoleeza Rice. While I am no fan of Dr. Rice myself, rape is never something to joke about. Call me a humorless feminist if you must; I consider myself a compassionate person, and anyone with a smidgen of compassion to their name would recognize that a brutal crime that leaves the victim with permanent and very serious trauma is nothing to joke about.

    I am writing to inform you that I hold your company partially responsible for propagating this sickening talk through electromagnetic waves, and it is making me reconsider my subscription to DirecTV.

    Also, my phone company has a package deal with DirecTV (that’s why I have DirecTV instead of something else) and I’m thinking of writing them too, particularly if I don’t get a satisfactory response out of DirecTV.

  53. Also, I believe that GM has a deal with XM radio, to have their radios installed in new cars. I own a GM vehicle, so I think I’ll write them too.

  54. r@d@r, one hopping mad dude

    here is the text of the email i just sent to them:

    Rape humor, huh? Yeah, what a scream.

    I’d say that you guys give men a bad name, but you’re not men. You’re scared little boys – scared of women. What happened, did mommy not give you her boobie when you wanted, or stick you with the safety pin when she changed your diapers?

    The fact that you people even have a radio show demonstrates to me that your employers either don’t listen to your show, are completely irresponsible, or somehow mentally deficient. I’d be prepared to go for all three.

    You guys, though – you’re just irredeemably stupid.

    I will be drafting letters of complaint to your advertisers. It is my sincere hope that you guys go the way of Don Imus. He is certainly a far better man than either of you will ever be in your wildest dreams.

    Very sincerely,

  55. r@d@r

    here is the text of my email to Avis:

    To whom it may concern,

    I wish to bring to you attention that XM Radio, with whom you partner, has recently broadcast a “humor” program featuring two individuals by the names of Opie and Anthony, who have told extremely offensive jokes on their show about “raping to death” the Secretary of State.

    I can imagine that this information would give you cause for concern, as it might reflect badly on your company, which has a very high reputation.

    I appreciate your attention to this matter.


  56. r@d@r, one hopping mad dude

    my emails got bounced back too. the one to Avis didn’t, though. on to the others now.

  57. Shouldn’t the secret service be interested in threats against “George Bush wife”?

  58. Norma

    The “Liberal Media” has spoken again! You will note the “Opie and Anthony” skit was aimed at Republican women..ie Condolezza Rice and Laura Bush.. Can you imagine the outrage by the press if the rape victims would have been Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton?

  59. You’re being sardonic, right, Norma?

  60. stenz


    Thanks for blogging about these “people”. I had heard something about this, but didn’t know what happened until I read about it here. Before I met my wife, she had gone through a similar rape experience. Like you, she also has lived longer with the scars than without them.

    To not even do something as small as write to XM would be a betrayal to her. My letter goes out in the mail later today.

  61. monster rain

    FYI : XM is a subscriber radio network, just like cable if you don’t like what you hear cancel your subsciption. Opie and Anthony have 2 segments the early version which goes out on terrestrial radio the second half for XM subscribers. In the typical Lib Left fashion you didn’t report the facts , just what serves your agenda.

  62. Susan

    XM didn’t have a good week; maybe it’s time for them to reassess some of their programming. The Quinn & Rose show was sent a cease and desist letter accusing them of outright lying:


    With all this quality entertainment, however can I resist? Sign me up!

  63. FYI: This was written before the full info was out that it was the XM version of the show.

    FYI: If you read the other comments, you’ll see we already discussed if it was the XM version or not.

    FYI: Violent rape “jokes” are not proper, whether they are on subscriber radio or not. If your neighbor subscribes to some White Nationalist rag, it may be covered by free speech rights, but it isn’t right and it’s our right to speak out against it. If you think you can make a better case to the sponsors for why they should continue to pay money to the station for this stuff, go right ahead. If you can convince XM to support this crap with only the money from the people who subscribe to that specific show, then go for it. XM played with the hot potato in order to make a few quick bucks and they’re getting burned.

  64. Mahlia

    From the NYTimes “apology” article:

    “The remarks could become an issue as XM seeks approval from the Federal Communications Commission to merge with New York-based Sirius Satellite Radio, said Tom Taylor, editor of the trade magazine Inside Radio.

    ”XM and Sirius don’t want any regulation,” he said in Friday’s New York Daily News. ”But it’s come up in four congressional hearings — and at this point, the merger is such a close call, any issue could become important.””

    So please, email those sponsors, and Sirius!

  65. Colleen

    I am a nineteen year old girl. Like many of those in my generation, I am extremely cynical, and so I tend to shy away from direct action in the political and cultural arenas. I usually figure that someone else is going to do something about it, so why should I bother?

    This issue has changed my mind. I’m no longer going to sit back while comments like this are found “funny.” I’m currently drafting a letter to all of the sponsors of the show, as well as XM and the FM stations that carry this show. I’m informing all of my friends, and encouraging them to take action.

    I’m currently attending college in a rough neighborhood. My campus is gated, but I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve been harassed walking to buildings off of campus or on the train. As awful as that is, I ignored it and moved on because it never struck me that such actions and threats could be considered as funny.

    Melissa, I’m so glad that I found your blog while looking into this incident. I’m horrified by what happened to you, and I am so sorry. I’m thanking you for sharing your story, and I’m thanking all of your readers for posting comments and suggestions that have inspired this previously unmotivated nineteen year old to finally step up and take action about issues she feels strongly about.

  66. jason

    You people have got to get a handle on your anger and remember one thing, Free Speech! This was not a statement by O&A, it was a caller. They were laughing at his lunacy, not the idea of rape being funny. This is a non-public show, you need to pay for it. You can’t get rid of everything you don’t like, because then who becomes the “decider”? Would you let GWB choose what we can hear? Or that Powell kid who ran the FCC for a while? Do you think some 80yo has the same ideas about what is dirty as a 20-something? I shivver in my boots to think that everyone would be so quick to shut down free speech. Let’s remember that they didn’t suggest someone should go rape Rice or the Queen. This guy on the phone said he wanted to do it. And also remeber that rape is a crime. He wanted to commit a crime against people that HE feels are deplorable for what they have done to this world. I bet that all of you who find this so deplorable would be the first to suggest that a child rapist should be raped in prison as retribution.

    Let’s get our priorities straight and our heads out of our asses!

  67. Sartre

    I just don’t understand when it became alright to put this scum, the worst our society has to offer, the worst part of ourselves on the radio. When did it become ok to give this filth a voice? This low culture of morning radio is hugely repulsive but widely accepted. I don’t know if it is because we’re all half-afuckingsleep and this shit appeals to our semi-concious “primitive” brain or what…Turn on any “morning drive” radio show and they’re all trying to top each other with this “it’s hip to be crude and thoughtless” attitude. They compete to see how many tired and just fucking lame stereotype jokes they can tell. Count how many times you hear the old tried and true asians are bad drivers gag, which just gets funnier and fucking funnier everytime I hear it. Listen for the hide your cat from the Koreans, lest they eat it bit. Let them tell you how Mexicans will either mow your lawn or steal your purse. And then you’ve got the token character voice guy who can do all the “ethnic” accents; Indian, Asian, Middle-eastern, etc…and he chimes in everytime there is a story about someone from x culture. Opie and Anthony are well-documented scum, but really, the entire morning drive radio community is a festering pile of shit spawned from the crudest and tackiest aspects of American culture. But I’m just being a spoil-sport dick who can’t take a joke, right?

  68. amish451


    That there exists a demand for this shit, an audience …a psyche that conceives this as humor….and advertisers that support these purveyors of filth.

    “….they believe that it is hip to be crude and thoughtless ….” and I see a frightening number of young women who seem to be joining ….that mind-set..

    Thanks to all who have taken action, to all who will …….

  69. First of all ma’am, Opie and Anthony did not say it, a Homeless Guy threw in his 2 cents when they mentioned their names. And if you dislike what was said, please use your freedom of choice to not listen… Not interfere with what we pay money to hear. It is our choice to pay for and listen to Opie and Anthony. As you have mentioned, you are not trying to censor them but using the marketplace to decide… That is just fancy words for bullying companies into submitting to your ways of thought and is no less Censorship then you trying to do it yourselves (which you are BTW).

    Number one in the bill of rights of the United States constitution is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means all speech is free, even if it goes against your personal, moral, religious, racial, etc. beliefs. It is not there to protect you from insult/offense, it is there so that everyone, no matter his or her belief, have a voice… Sorry, yes, even if it offends. You have special interest groups trying to bully businesses to succumb to their views and silence those who have a different view, and that is wrong… The worst part is, there are a couple of people that have, for decades, fought for civil rights. I was under the impression they fought for civil rights for everyone, but unfortunately it is only for black people and only for those causes they deem worthy (such as keeping themselves in the media spotlight to line their pockets, not to advance their race from a stereotype that is burying their race/culture/etc.).
    Not since the PMRC of the 80’s has there been such an environment of censorship. I was angry then as I am now. Our freedom of speech is very important, and though you may disagree with someone else’s point of view, if one loses their voice, we all lose our voice.

  70. I just came form TFLS blog and am astounded at the hate and vitriol of people in response to her post. She was called vile and things such as describe female body parts. I could not believe people could respond in such a manner to another human. Sure they disagreed with her stance on the situation…but to have been as hateful and even publishing her personal information just to show her they could…was just astounding. At least here you got people that agreed with you and gave comfort…which I add my comfort also and happy birthday Melissa…but The Fat Lady Sings deserved much better than she got for handing out her slap to those guys. Has the world gone mad?


    Please die, PLEASE???????????????????????

    Fat and Ugly is noway to go through life.


    Please die, PLEASE???????????????????????

    Fat and Ugly is noway to go through life.

  73. Eric Brown

    This has nothing to do with you, you have to seek this type of speech out. They are on a paid platform safely away from you. Even on the internet you must click and even then you were warned beforehand. You take no responsibility in seeking out to be offended? You have no interest in this. You have every right to be offended, but to think you are the arbitor in what type of speech should or shouldn’t be on a paid service is ludicrous.

    Your experience of being raped is absolutely not relevant. Think of the ramifacations of your actions before you make such an emotional based argument.


    Please die, PLEASE???????????????????????

    Fat and Ugly is noway to go through life.


  75. Steve from Yellowstone

    You know I’ve read your posts and everyone’s comments and you know what, all of you are reading way too much into this.

    A) They were the crazed ramblings of a man who’s been homeless for 11 years.

    B) NO ONE used the word rape. Rape was never really implied. Sure, Anthony said hold her down and the horror on her face. I’m sure “Homeless Charlie” isn’t exactly the best looking or kindest guy and that would have to happen for the situation. It DOES NOT mean or imply rape in any way.

    C)When Charlie said “Fuck that bitch to death,” I doubt he mean literally death. He probably meant he have sex with her until she couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve heard the term out of many non-misogynistic men. I just means that, “giving her it and then some.” Plus, if he did really mean death, it’s Laura Bush. Maybe he’s left-learning and really does hate the conservative First Lady. I know I do. Maybe not to the degree of killing her but I am not a fan of her or her husband.

    D)Why do you care? You don’t even listen to the show. Your kids aren’t going to listen to the show if you’re all good parents. You heard one minute of a show that’s been on for over 15 years with tons of back stories and inflections that long-time fans, the kind that shell out 12.99 a month to hear the XM portion, would know about. There was one part that wasn’t tagged in from Thursday’s FreeFM show that Anthony said that, “What he [Charlie] is saying is REALLY horrible, it’s also pretty funny, but just plain awful.”

    I guess the bottom line of my rant is if you don’t want to hear. Just don’t listen. And for those of your worrying about your kids, shut the fuck up. If you’re a good parent, your kids won’t hear the bad things. It’s not the world’s job to parent your children. It’s your job. You know, heck we all know, your kids will find Playboys, someone’s child will swear on the playground, they’ll sneak into an R-rated movie. It happens and most of them grow up fine.

  76. Please die, PLEASE???????????????????????

    Fat and Ugly is noway to go through life.


  77. chris greene

    you know, i cant say much. i mean its only the freedom speech that is in danger here. these comments were made by a homeless man, while crud, they were his. noone has ever been hurt by a bad joke. this type of humor isnt for you, so why listen? on of you stated that you were thinking about getting XM, but O&A had changed your mind,,,,why should it? you can have the channel blocked. the same goes for the other person who has directv. you know im a father, i love my kids, and im a O&A fan. when my kids are in the car with me, we listen to the XM kids channel, on my directv service i have the xm channel that O&A are on password protected. it isnt your decision what other adults listen to, it is ours.

  78. vcdburn

    It scares me that you try to control what I pay for. If you don’t listen to the show then you will not hear things that “hurt” you. Grow up and mind your own business. Keep listening to regular FM, or AM in some cases.

    Why don’t you email HBO, and SHOWTIME, telling them to stop showing rated R movies. “That’s different!” No it’s not. If you don’t agree turn the channel.

    (P.S. I’m guessing you don’t agree with the KKK’s views. They are also protected because their Americans.)

    Also, it was an Africanized American that made the statements. That’s why nothing will happen. Don’t you pay attention to who can say what and not get in trouble?

  79. vcdburn

    I hope you have written permission from XM to use the above clip. Just to let you know I, along with a few thousand are currently e-mailing XM on your illegal usage of a clip from a pay service that specifically says that there is to be no rebroadcast in part or in full of any material without the written consent of XM satellite radio. Enjoy the lawsuit!

  80. Fredirika Bimmel

    I like you feed myself to hide the pain of rape. However, I support free speech.

  81. Conner Petersons Parakeet Lungs

    Hey anangryoldbroad,

    Unless your raising your son to suck cock, do you honestly beleive hes never gonna see a woman he finds attractive and say “God damn! I wanna fuck the shit outta her!” Because thats exactly what was said, in those exact words. Still think thats an advocacy for rape?

    Do some research for yourself instead of listening to groups that have their own agenda and make shit up.

    By the way, Maura Manning is a fat cunt.

  82. kidneyfailure

    I find this site offensive…If you had Sponsors i would write to them how i feel about it. You see what i find offensive isnt necessarily the same as you….why is this such a hard concept for people to understand.

  83. OH MY GOD!

    Just reading through this thread almost me lose my lunch!

    It is obvious what kind of troglodyte listens to this kind of crap — the kind who gets off by posting obscene photos and harrassing women.

    Not to mention being unable to distingish between Google and Shakesville or knowing nothing about Fair Use.

    OR that Freedom of Speech includes protesting against someone’s outrageous and hateful public statements.


  84. matt

    Ok well here is my take on this.. WHAT ARE YOU WRITING TO PROTEST.. If you dont listen to them on XM then what offended you? Maybe you should be outraged for the news outlets taking a XM show and placing it on TV. It is a complete pay service and if you dont want to here it how about you write the news networks and talk to them about it.

  85. Lil

    Fritz, do you realize you are agreeing with us, the O&A fans?

    You do have the right to speak, and protest. What we are spending our time (well most) doing is trying to ensure you know of what you speak. You are seeing a very small portion that is littered with bleeps.

    In many great works of literature you can always find one paragraph that when taken out of context you may find reprehensible.

    Now I am just using an extreme, please don’t think I am comparing O&A to great works. What they are is a comedy based talk show.

    What I took from hearing the entire show, including that portion; was the deplorable state the homeless are in. Raving lunatics running the streets, without a roof over their head, and most requiring psychiatric care and medication. Would that not be a better cause to fight for then 2 radio personalities whom you do not even listen to?

    I am a mother of 3, with an 18 year old daughter. My children do NOT listen to the XM portion of the show as it is uncensored and not suitable for them. I, on the other hand, am a mature adult who enjoys their style of humour.

    As a woman, with a daughter, did I find it offensive? No. I found it to be very cringe. It most certainly did not make me worry that other O&A fans might rape myself or my children. However, it did make me concerned about walking down the streets when there are homeless people who are so completely out of their minds with no hope, no help.

    I support Opie & Anthony. I pay to listen to them. You don’t.

    I support free speech and O&A’s right to it. Protecting free speech is fundamental in our society, and the speech that requires protection the most is unpopular speech.

    Please visit http://www.peopleagainstcensorship.com

  86. Thanks for posting on this. Sicko’s like these guys are not fit to live among civilized people..I don’t think raping ANYONE is fodder for a comedy show. They must be desperate for ratings to sink this low. I have posted on this and provided a link to their website.

    As for the flamers swarming FLS and your blog to threaten you both for speaking your minds..let them tell their boss what a dick he is and then claim free speech and see what it gets them..a spot in the unemployment lines.

    Morons..who knew so many knew how to use a computer?

  87. Midnight Rider.

    “As for the flamers swarming FLS and your blog to threaten you both for speaking your minds..let them tell their boss what a dick he is and then claim free speech and see what it gets them..a spot in the unemployment lines. ”

    when my boss hires me specifically to be outrageous and edgy, i will, and if it lands me in an unemployment line, he will be in breach of contract.
    that is THE WORST argument that ever arrives.
    and it always arrives.
    keep this fight up asses, how long until it’s something that you love?

  88. Midnight Rider.

    “As for the flamers swarming FLS and your blog to threaten you both for speaking your minds..let them tell their boss what a dick he is and then claim free speech and see what it gets them..a spot in the unemployment lines. ”

    when my boss hires me specifically to be outrageous and edgy, i will, and if it lands me in an unemployment line, he will be in breach of contract.
    that is THE WORST argument that ever arrives.
    and it always arrives.
    keep this fight up asses, how long until it’s something that you love?

  89. “First of all ma’am, Opie and Anthony did not say it, a Homeless Guy threw in his 2 cents when they mentioned their names.”

    Actually, this is false. BOth DJs chimed in by saying:

    Host: I just imagine the horror in Condolleezza Rice’s face when she realizes what’s going on.

    Host 2: As you were just holding her down and fucking her.

    They specifically joined in the fantasy of holding a woman down and fucking her to death.

    And if Charlie is really homeless and mentally ill, bringing him in to make fun of makes this better how? One of the other pests here said it actually helped her learn of the plight of the homeless in the country. Right. LIke they can’t google for homeless and mentally ill and get a lot more information that Opie and Anthony could possibly give by bringing one on the air to make fun of.

    You all cannot hide behind the free speech right. There is plenty of case law about speech that isn’t lawful. Look it up.

    Lastly, we do have the right to protest this crap. And part of that is to use the marketplace. You sad pathetic souls with no idea what humor really is also have the right to talk to the sponsors and convince them that putting their money and reputation into a show that talks about holding women down and fucking them to death is good for their bottom line. And when they all drop XM like a lead balloon, you can hope your meager subscriptions will keep them on the air — because subscriptions must not be doing it now if XM has sponsors.

  90. Bob Dixen

    sponsors are supporting O and A Dean… Go ahead visit a few.. here is one for you to look at http://www.nashvillecoffee.com . Do your research. Companies are starting to catch on that they make more money by supporting those that they sponsor when they are in trouble. Here is another link. http://www.nashvillecoffee.com/oanda_new.asp

  91. oddjob

    Your experience of being raped is absolutely not relevant. Think of the ramifacations of your actions before you make such an emotional based argument.

    Eric, before making such an assertion, why don’t you get raped first and see if you still think this way afterwards?

  92. Eric Brown

    “You all cannot hide behind the free speech right. There is plenty of case law about speech that isn’t lawful. Look it up.”

    That would be true, but O and A are on XM not FM, sorry.

    “Lastly, we do have the right to protest this crap. And part of that is to use the marketplace.”
    You can, but to act like they are harming you is quite hypocritical. You sought out the speech. You clicked on the audio after a warning. To say that after searching for known obscene speech, that you are outraged is ridiculous. You take responsibility for that. They are on a platform safely away for you, and even if you are subscriber you can easily block the show. Leave it to the true “marketplace” which involves customers choosing to pay for something or not. Your argument completely dismisses the fact that you are terrorizing advertisers forcing them to in fact ignore the marketplace. Show your moral outrage, that is fine, but to attack something you sought out is hypocritical at best.

  93. Fritz, do you realize you are agreeing with us, the O&A fans?…As a woman, with a daughter, did I find it offensive? No.

    Nice try, dude.

    I don’t buy that a woman listens to this kind of immature male humor. Not for a minute.

    However, it did make me concerned about walking down the streets when there are homeless people who are so completely out of their minds with no hope, no help.

    Oh, I see! This was a pubic service announcement aimed at exposing the plight of the homeless. FUCK YOU!

    I support Opie & Anthony. I pay to listen to them. You don’t.

    How do you know whether or not I subscribe to XM premium? That’s a stupid assumption, guy.

    Here’s what XM has posted on their Web site:

    Opie & Anthony Apology

    XM regrets the deplorable comments made on May 9th’s Opie & Anthony Show.

    Opie and Anthony apologized during the broadcast of their XM show for their comments and for any offense that segment caused:

    “We apologize to the public officials for comments that were made on the XM show on May 9th. We do take very seriously the responsibility that comes with our creative freedom that we get here and regret any offense that this segment has caused.”

    Listen to the O&A Apology »

    As a company, XM provides customers with tools to control what they listen to on XM. The Opie & Anthony Show appears on one of our explicit language channels (XL) which is clearly noted on the radio display and all our printed material. We also frequently mention on our explicit language channels that the content may be inappropriate for certain listeners, and that our service also provides our subscribers with the ability to ‘block’ channels that feature this type of content.

  94. Eric Brown

    “Eric, before making such an assertion, why don’t you get raped first and see if you still think this way afterwards?”

    I have sympathy towards her, obviously it was a terrible thing for to experience. It has to affect her psyche towards what offends her or not. My only point is that to make that connection with then calling for their firing is an extreme jump b/c to say anything that subjectively offends you should be banned is a silly argument made in pure emotion.

  95. oddjob

    to say anything that subjectively offends you should be banned is a silly argument made in pure emotion

    Not unlike dismissing the concerns of untermenschen as unimportant because, after all, they’re untermenschen, right?

    “Stop being hysterical.” is what you’re saying. Or to put it another way, “Stop acting like a woman” (that’s what the etymology of “hysterical” means).

  96. Show your moral outrage, that is fine, but to attack something you sought out is hypocritical at best.

    (I know. Debating these morons is waste of time.)

    It is a free country. I can protest Opie and Anthony and idiots like you as much as I like. There’s no hypocrisy in trying to obliterate stupidty and violence.

  97. Eric Brown

    “(I know. Debating these morons is waste of time.)”
    If you’ve noticed i’ve yet to call anyone names or be uncivil, all it does is weaken your integrity. You can act in any way you want. I’m saying that typically what you do should be rational. There is a reason by people mistakenly bring up the first amendment in this situation. Although it doesn’t come into play here, there hasn’t been a serious challenge to free speech since 69′. People strongly believe in that idea that has been seriously debated.
    Your line of thinking has consequences. What is stupid and violent is a subjective notion.

  98. Doyle

    One of the first posts asked ‘how would opie and anthony feel if people were making jokes about them being raped in prison’?

    Um, the guys made those jokes ages ago. In fact, they made a video about Opie being raped by the other host and showed it, in person, to the fans at their sold out travelling virus tours.

    Get the bug out of your ass. The guys aren’t rapists. They’re satirist.

    Just cause you were the victim of satire years ago doesn’t mean you can enforce it now.

  99. Guy Compton

    “As a company, XM provides customers with tools to control what they listen to on XM. The Opie & Anthony Show appears on one of our explicit language channels (XL) which is clearly noted on the radio display and all our printed material. We also frequently mention on our explicit language channels that the content may be inappropriate for certain listeners, and that our service also provides our subscribers with the ability to ‘block’ channels that feature this type of content.”

    “Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?”

    Yes. Absolutely. The only tragedy is that a bullet didn’t rip through your brainstem after you were used for your one and only purpose in this world. You should consider yourself lucky that some man finds a hideous troll like yourself rape-able.

    If there’s a radio show or a tv show that you don’t like, here’s an idea, don’t listen to or watch it. It’s that simple.

  100. Sadiegirl

    Hey assholes, here’s an idea. If you don’t like their show, then don’t listen. What gives you the right to tell other people what they can listen to? We have freedoms in this country, and I am tired of you self righteous know it alls trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

  101. Sadiegirl

    Hey assholes, here’s an idea. If you don’t like their show, then don’t listen. What gives you the right to tell other people what they can listen to? We have freedoms in this country, and I am tired of you self righteous know it alls trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives.

  102. L.R.

    “Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?”

    Well, the way you described it.

  103. These fat whores would be lucky to even get raped by someone.
    I hope you whiny cunts find your way on top of a pinball machine in the near future.

  104. For the people who don’t understand the difference between words or a description AND actually calling for rape OR even likening discussing rape to an actual rape as I know a lot of you hypersensitive people tend to do, I want to let you know that you are the people who are destroying our country. You are the people ruining free speak because of your own pathetic, narrow-minded agendas. You, who are so blind that all you actually fear langage instead of trying to stick up for yourself.

    If you really think what they said was violent and not just discussing violence, then it just saddens me knowing the sorry place the world is headed to.

    And as for those of us sorry, sorry soul who like crude humor, let me tell you this. This world is a fucking horrible place. And yes, some people turn to God, some to family, some decide to medicate themselves until they’re dead already, some become whiny bloggers who are still pissed because of a woman victim in a 1952 movie and think they’re helping a cause by getting their panties in a bunch over nothing instead of actually focusing on real issues.

    …but for some of us, the only way we can get through the day without jumping through the goddamned window, is to laugh at the piece of shit universe we inhabit.

  105. ed vedder


    Opie and Anthony never wrote a bit about rape. they don’t do bits. they had a homeless man in studio, he made the comments. while they laughed, they also expressed their horror at the statements that day, and the next.

    No, maybe, in the interest of honesty and integrity, you should listen to the whole broadcast, and not respond with assumptions. context matters.

    the show makes fun of everything and anything. If you listened to their show, they are as hardline against crime as a person can be.

    I am a in-shape male (with Opie-like abs) who doesn’t like overweight women, you don’t see me blogging about how I want Food Network outlawed.
    Cockkkk meeeat

  107. Crinkle Crinkle

    My god, don’t you people have lives? There is a term for people like you- CHRONICALLY OFFENDED.

    You dummies actually went out of your way to find something that would offend you. It’s kind of like looking for a hammer and hitting yourself over the head with it, then contacting the manufacturer of the hammer and the store that sold it and complaining about it.

    If you are all so concerned with rape, why don’t you contact actual rapists and tell them how you feel? It will accomplish more than complaining about a radio show that uses satire.

  108. Sadiegirl

    Ahh, Dusty. Your comment of “They must be desperate for ratings to sink so low” is a no-no. You know not of what you speak when you claim that Opie and Anthony have no listeners. Poor stupid fool. We are a greater number than you can possibly imagine. This crappy little cunt filled web site will soon learn how many of us there are.

  109. It is your own fault for dressing like that.
    Fat girls, they ruin fun for everyone.

  110. Anonymous

    what is truly sad is that you can not comprehend how someone can be very tough on crime, loathe child molestors, rapists, muggers, etc, while still being able to make jokes about it.

    the two are not exclusive. many people find humor in the things that they also find reprehensible. its not opie and anthonys’s fault, that you are not one of those people.

    but the nerve of you to decide that the rest of us should not be allowed to find that entertaining. its not your decision to make for us.

  111. muzone

    what is truly sad is that you can not comprehend how someone can be very tough on crime, loathe child molestors, rapists, muggers, etc, while still being able to make jokes about it.

    the two are not exclusive. many people find humor in the things that they also find reprehensible. its not opie and anthonys’s fault, that you are not one of those people.

    but the nerve of you to decide that the rest of us should not be allowed to find that entertaining. its not your decision to make for us.

  112. ed vedder


    Opie and Anthony never wrote a bit about rape. they don’t do bits. they had a homeless man in studio, he made the comments. while they laughed, they also expressed their horror at the statements that day, and the next.

    No, maybe, in the interest of honesty and integrity, you should listen to the whole broadcast, and not respond with assumptions. context matters.

    the show makes fun of everything and anything. If you listened to their show, they are as hardline against crime as a person can be.

  113. sat·ire (săt’īr’) pronunciation

    1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
    2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See synonyms at caricature.
    2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

    And you are right, rape is hilarious. You fat pigs rape my eyes with your grotesque appearance.

  114. Anonymous

    Ahh Dusty. “They must be desperate for ratings to sink so low.” You stupid fool. Do not ever question the number of fans who listen to Opie and Anthony. If you knew anything at all you would know that the Opie and Anthony channel is the most listened to channel on the XM platform. There is a reason we are called “pests”.

  115. Opie and Anthony also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for SIDS research after taking over the SIDS radiothon after jerkoffs like you had Imus taken off of MSNBC.
    The beauty of freedom of speech is satire, if you take that away the world will be as ugly as the fat waste that wrote this blog.

  116. Wouldja

    Opie and Anthony is the number one rated show on XM and is always in the upper echelon of Top 10 FM ratings shows around the country. Not to mention having a fanbase considered by some to be the most loyal in the medium.

  117. jack london

    This was said on XM radio(a pay service), on an XL (mature rated) channel, with the options of channel blocking available for all paying subscribers.

    If you are not a paying subscriber to XM and do not listen to Opie and Anthony, then you can go take a long walk off a short pier!

    How about that for saucy language? LOL

    But seriously..

    Just don’t listen! It really is that damn simple. Stop trying to take away out mature entertainment. We are adults and enjoy this type of radio. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU IF YOU DON’T SUBSCRIBE AND ARE NOT LISTENERS OF THE SHOW.

    Opie and Anthony are not going anywhere so just give up and go back to blogging about whatever irrelevant shit you were talking about previously.

  118. Bloodfart

    That’s terrible, I’m sorry.
    Rape is terrible, I’m sorry, but sometimes humor is just humor. And sometimes rambling from a hobo is just rambling from a hobo. And sometimes a KFC bucket is a KFC bucket and you shouldn’t order one.

  119. Frederika

    The audacity to use your own (probably made up) experiences to alert other FemNazis sickens me more than the audio you posted.
    How dare you decide what anyone should listen to.
    You want a scapegoat look in the mirror.

  120. James Frunkison

    “Opie and Anthony also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for SIDS research after taking over the SIDS radiothon after jerkoffs like you had Imus taken off of MSNBC.
    The beauty of freedom of speech is satire, if you take that away the world will be as ugly as the fat waste that wrote this blog.”

    Don Imus with the assistance of the Opie and Anthony show’s fans earned 3.4 million dollars to help sick children. Bet the media didn’t tell you about that did they? Too busy being offended by a throwaway line about ugly basketball players to be bothered with things that actually matter I guess. People like this blogging whore make me sick.

  121. too bad that terrible rapist didnt kill your fat ass….


  122. BillCosbyPokemanlol

  123. AbeVigoda

    “If I hate something then no one can listen to it! Blurka blurka blurka gimme that cake”

  124. steve the whistler

    whistle while you bury interns, dooo daaa, dooo daaa

  125. JimmyMack

    Holy bunch of loser cunts, Batman! Someone should shove these bitches into a clothes dryer with Magic Johnson and an open bag of razor blades. Everybody gets raped, sooner or later. Some of us move on with our lives with out whining like little bitches about it.

    Eat your way to diabetes Fatso!

  126. Sweetie,

    You were raped, I’m sure it was terrible, and I’m sorry, I truly am.

    But don’t try to censor people for joking about something just because it hits a bit too close to home. Joking about rape is not advocating rape and it’s kind of tragic that you don’t understand that.

    People are allowed to talk about things, even off-color things. It’s such feminine pettiness on your part to start to criticize a show that, let’s face it, you’ve never heard. To just go on a letter writing campaign because you heard fourth-hand a word you didn’t like. You are one pathetic ignorant creature who, I don’t know, do you feel that if people who joke about rape get silenced then rape would stop?

    Honestly, I will be fucking glad when the thought police come for you for using the word ‘fat.’

  127. Sweetie,

    You were raped, I’m sure it was terrible, and I’m sorry, I truly am.

    But don’t try to censor people for joking about something just because it hits a bit too close to home. Joking about rape is not advocating rape and it’s kind of tragic that you don’t understand that.

    People are allowed to talk about things, even off-color things. It’s such feminine pettiness on your part to start to criticize a show that, let’s face it, you’ve never heard. To just go on a letter writing campaign because you heard fourth-hand a word you didn’t like. You are one pathetic ignorant creature who, I don’t know, do you feel that if people who joke about rape get silenced then rape would stop?

    Honestly, I will be fucking glad when the thought police come for you for using the word ‘fat.’

  128. ToG

    Your so-called rape is a sham and you know it. You ‘claim’ it because you feel it clothes you in the sort of victim halo that gives you some sort of moral authority. What’s repulsive is the glory you revel in while re-counting a bullshit rape story. Get help soon.

  129. Ananagryoldbroad (first post on this blog), if you really think that Opie and Anthony have such amazing power that they’ll corrupt your son, then you’re a horrible mother in the first place already looking to find a scapegoat for your terrible parenting.

  130. Melissa's Metabolism

    I hate this place. Nothing works here.

  131. Person with Hurt Feelings

    I was just finishing laughing at Opie and Anthony’s rape joke fest and then I logged onto the internet to find a website named…Shakesville? How dare you. I don’t find this funny. It hurts me because my Uncle Paul used to molest me at night. He would say ‘are you ready to go to Shakesville?” and I’d say “i dunno” and then he’d make cumsies on my face.
    You must at once shut down this website, since I am personally offended by the name Shakesville.

  132. Hundreds of LBS of Tacos

    Help, I am trapped inside the gullet of a behemoth blogger.

  133. Professor Worthington

    I don’t quite get what this young filly is making a fuss about. Two men on the wireless were giving a woman the what’s-what? That’s perposterous!! NBC-Blue would no sooner allow that on the radio than a news report about martians landing from space!

    What’s that you say? They weren’t raping the bird but rather just having the jibber-jab like two fellows over tea and biscuits? I hardly see the problem in that sort of situation.

    Ah you women, you silly silly species, whatever will we do with you.

  134. If you don’t like the show then don’t fucking listen to it you fucking faggots.

  135. michael Ij fox

    I am deeply offended by the name of your site. how insensitive can you possibly be about another persons physical disorder?

  136. Connor

    The homeless man’s comments about fucking Condi, Laura and QEII weren’t particularly funny to me. Most of the rest of his 40+ minute rant was, however. Also, the comment made by one of the hosts about “the horror” was not horror about being raped, forcibly fucked, or whatever other heinous act your imagination is conjuring up. It was simply a goof on the homeless man’s unpleasant odor, and the horror it brought with it. But of course, you wouldn’t know that, because the Manufacturers Of Outrage didn’t provide enough of the clip to give it context. They never do.

    As many have said, you sought out this audio to feed your need to be outraged. And I suppose it’s somewhat normal to look for things that affect you personally. So now that we know how you feel about rape, you’re going to go after Eddie Murphy, right? He did a bit involving Mr. T and forced gay sex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIDbocSHnvA. And let’s not forget George Carlin. He even did a routine called “Rape Can Be Funny” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3av_qRR_DWc . Get on him, ladies. We can’t have any of these people doing rape jokes, because it might offend **YOU**. Well, guess what? You didn’t have to listen.

  137. Muhammad Ali

    It’s evil bitches like you who tell people it’s alright to make fun of a serious medical problem. You make me sick you fat pig, change the name of your site or I’ll have you fired from your job as the dumpster behind a local pastry shop. Never again will you taste the goodness of stale, 2 day-old cupcakes and donuts shoved into your non-discriminating food hole.

  138. Muhammad Ali

    It’s evil bitches like you who tell people it’s alright to make fun of a serious medical problem. You make me sick you fat pig, change the name of your site or I’ll have you fired from your job as the dumpster behind a local pastry shop. Never again will you taste the goodness of stale, 2 day-old cupcakes and donuts shoved into your non-discriminating food hole.

  139. Mr. Derp

    It would be funny if someone was raped next to an XM Boombox playing The Virus 202.

  140. Lucky

    Freedom of speech does not mean that whatever speech YOU deem to be ok is free but others is not but ALL speech.

    The boys have made fun of any and everything even themselves and me when I called in. I also know the boys have raised money for many various causes that most woman would be happy with. They of course do not condone rape and I suspect that all here that have called for their heads know this. There is just a culture now that has empowered anyone with any cause to now go and yell for firings. This is called throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    Now I wonder just one thing. Do you ladies think that woman are the only beings that have ever been raped? Beaten? Sodomized? Etc. Etc. No of course not. Is it ok to go half cocked and fire any and everyone that ever says anything wrong? Of course not. No matter what anyone says no matter how insignificant and I assure you that someone will be offended somewhere in this vast world we live in. Maybe we should just cut off all communication between everyone and go away and hide in a cave somewhere lest we hear and see something offensive. Now tell me how good will it be to get these boys kicked off the air and then who will be the next target.

    I used to be offended when I heard rappers and movies glorify violence and woman bashing and still am but of course no one here or there says a damn thing. Oh yeah there is a Radio duo that has and Opie and Anthony have for many years now. They have for many years been a lone voice in the wilderness shouting about the rediculous way that many are able to get away with the violence against woman and kids and the glorification that is shown constantly on TV but others get skewered. This is hypocrisy and they have talked about it for years but of course y’all did not listen then or did not care.

    Maybe it is hypocrisy when I have said or did something wrong and asked for forgiveness and have not received it and when ladies have done it for me and I did not give it and was told I am a A**hole. Is this a woman trait?

    Let those of you who are without sin or are perfect cast the first stone.

  141. robert12999

    First Amendment refresher course. Off of the RIAA website. Good read.

    The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution guarantees four freedoms: freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791. Since that time, those freedoms have been discussed, debated, fought and died for. Since that time, millions of immigrants have come to America to secure those freedoms. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing. They believed in the power of ideas and debate, not censorship.

    In his 1801 inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson reaffirmed the principle of free speech saying, “If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.” Reason is the tool to use to change opinions—not censorship.

    During World War II, addressing Congress, FDR expressed the hope that the four freedoms would be embraced the world over. He said, “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world.” Clearly we are not there yet. Freedom of speech is not a right in every country in the world. Yet, just as clearly, it is a freedom desired in every corner of the world.

    Most students recognize Voltaire’s defense of free speech…

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    The underlying premise is, if the government censors you today, I could be next tomorrow, perhaps for an entirely different reason. That’s why it is so important to uphold the principle, even when in practice it is difficult to do so. There’s no challenge involved in defending someone you agree with; the stretch is standing up for your opponent—so that everyone’s rights are preserved.

    For as long as the First Amendment has protected our right to free speech and expression, elements have tried to undermine that right. Censorship often raises its ugly head during trying times when our nation faces difficult, seemingly insoluble problems. That is why Justice Louis Brandeis opined in Whitney v. California in 1927, “Fear of serious injury cannot alone justify suppression of free speech and assembly. Men feared witches and burned women. It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears.” Brandeis knew what Jefferson knew—reason and free speech, not fear and censorship, should prevail.

  142. I don't care if you read

    OK, I am going to be as honest and serious as possible.
    First of all, I truly am sorry for those of you that had to hear this and are at a point in your life where you are not comfortable hearing this. But please, please, do not take your sensitivity (however strong you may be) and make it anyone elses. In other words, some people can accept (even terrible) circumstances to be placed in a humorous light.

    (I just have to vent with the following).

    I personally have not had to suffer the victimization of being sexualy assaulted (nevermind raped) that I know of. I am though a younger sibling of someone who has been, and it makes me cringe to just think about it typing this. I do protect (said person) from any humor that might be related to rape or child molestation because I truly do not fully understand their psycological reaction to it at it’s fullest extent. So in that sense, I fully refrain.
    No on the other side of this (and I am getting somewhere) a very, very close friend of mine has recently (subconsciencely perhaps) let it slip that she was a victim herself. When realized this I almost fell to tears because it is someone that I really care about, and hate to think of that person hurt, nevermind raped. I really can not explain how much it hurt me to know what she had to have gone through. In spite of all of this, (IMHO) she has recovered tremendously (obviously not fully). And is considered to be quite the femenist. What suprosed me most is that I find that she is so well into the healing process that she can (truly can) find humor in things that are related to rape. When I see this, it almost brings me to tears as much as the day I found out (so little) about what she had gone through. The reason I feel this way is that I am so glad that she has learned to deal with it, in her own way. She can cope with the situation.
    Now I am not saying that humor is the healthiest way to heal, but it helps some people. It is clearly not for everybody to make humor about a terrible situation, but it is damn fine for some people to do so.
    It was not easy for me to type this vague post but I am glad I did. And I can only hope that you can understand how important the ability to be free and speak freely is to someone like me and those closest to me. Please don’t attempt to take that away from us.

  143. I don't care if you read

    OK, I am going to be as honest and serious as possible.
    First of all, I truly am sorry for those of you that had to hear this and are at a point in your life where you are not comfortable hearing this. But please, please, do not take your sensitivity (however strong you may be) and make it anyone elses. In other words, some people can accept (even terrible) circumstances to be placed in a humorous light.

    (I just have to vent with the following).

    I personally have not had to suffer the victimization of being sexualy assaulted (nevermind raped) that I know of. I am though a younger sibling of someone who has been, and it makes me cringe to just think about it typing this. I do protect (said person) from any humor that might be related to rape or child molestation because I truly do not fully understand their psycological reaction to it at it’s fullest extent. So in that sense, I fully refrain.
    No on the other side of this (and I am getting somewhere) a very, very close friend of mine has recently (subconsciencely perhaps) let it slip that she was a victim herself. When realized this I almost fell to tears because it is someone that I really care about, and hate to think of that person hurt, nevermind raped. I really can not explain how much it hurt me to know what she had to have gone through. In spite of all of this, (IMHO) she has recovered tremendously (obviously not fully). And is considered to be quite the femenist. What suprosed me most is that I find that she is so well into the healing process that she can (truly can) find humor in things that are related to rape. When I see this, it almost brings me to tears as much as the day I found out (so little) about what she had gone through. The reason I feel this way is that I am so glad that she has learned to deal with it, in her own way. She can cope with the situation.
    Now I am not saying that humor is the healthiest way to heal, but it helps some people. It is clearly not for everybody to make humor about a terrible situation, but it is damn fine for some people to do so.
    It was not easy for me to type this vague post but I am glad I did. And I can only hope that you can understand how important the ability to be free and speak freely is to someone like me and those closest to me. Please don’t attempt to take that away from us.

  144. Tbones

    I guess the guy who raped you somehow left his dick behind, because you have a major pole up your ass.

    Pull it out and lighten up.

  145. same as the last guy

    Also (as I re-read this) i am just appalled at anyone who says “I am fond of off-color comments but….”. You sir, who says that, are a hypocrite. The worst kind. You admit to enjoying humor that may offend some people, yet when it is you that gets offended you judge and point. You are worse than anyone that says anything to offend anyone, because you are selfish in how you do it. It has been said time and time again on the O n A show that they accept any humor that should even offend them, because it would be selfish and arrogant not to. You sir, are something that a guillotine should take care of.

  146. still don't care

    Also (as I re-read this) i am just appalled at anyone who says “I am fond of off-color comments but….”. You sir, who says that, are a hypocrite . The worst kind. You admit to enjoying humor that may offend some people, yet when it is you that gets offended you judge and point. You are worse than anyone that says anything to offend anyone, because you are selfish in how you do it. It has been said time and time again on the O n A show that they accept any humor that should even offend them, because it would be selfish and arrogant not to. You sir, are something that a guillotine should take care of.

  147. Lucky

    I am troubled by the one that said they hate this culture. What culture does one admire?

    Is it the culture in places that performs woman castration. Maybe it is the culture that hides woman from the ankle to the head in a veil and demotes them as not even second class citizens. Or the cultures in Europe that says it is ok for a man to have a mistress but the lady has to be chaste except with their husbands only. Or the culture that thought it was ok to rape and pillage and still thinks that woman are fair game to rape in Deutchland. Or when I traveled in all of Asia and saw woman treated have to walk behind a man. Or how about the Latino Macho image where it is ok for a man to shoot his unfaithful wife but the wife that shoots her unfaithfull husband and she goes to prison.

    I have mentioned almost the whole world and there are many more examples that I could say and I have been to all these places myself and I can assure you that our culture here we have is way more open and empowereing for woman then any place I have ever been to. It is one of the most striking things I see when I travel anyplace in the world.

    Good luck on the crusade. I am getting old and by the time that everyone has been silenced then hopefully I will expire and not have to see and hear what is left.

    Opie and Anthony and other radio personalities are juvenile and tasteless at times but to kill all hope for forgiveness is just to me not worth even trying to ever ask for it.

    Ladies always say that communication is the key but I have found it lacking here and from every medium lately.

  148. wtf

    Do not censor what I enjoy hearing. Do not police what everybody should and should not hear. I laughed. And laughed hard. Worry about yourself. The reason is bothered you so much was because it hit so close to home. Guess what? Not for me. Stop being such a buzzkill and live your life.

    Or have a cookie or two, obviously it seems you think food makes the pain go away.

    Baby raper. I’m a baby raper.

  149. herbie hancock

    hey Melissa, I bet you play a great Rusty Trombone

  150. Cancer Babies

    RAMONE! Fetch this fat cunt another chin!

  151. America has a culture crisis. The idea that someone is Sex object which is the basis for porn, sex stars and beauty contest seems rooted in a part of our culture. Fortunately it is a limited part. When the media encourages this or other institution we are in deep trouble. Mother’s Day how could this come up? I have supported NCAA Gender Equity Title IX and other programs in sport that women were deprived of for years.
    Their is a certain connection that men miss in their relationship with their women associates. Can men learn how to communicate? I don’t know, but better communication skills or listening skills might help. We all should respect women. When I see women portrayed as sex objects an alarm goes off in my limbic system. Oh yes we all have one and need sensitivity classes if we aren’t awares.
    Mother’s, Sister and Fathers have natural relationships not always sucessful by a long shot.
    Violence toward the other sex is certainly psychotic behavior.
    This is a signal that our society is unhealthy at least in the respect that this behavior is not being ostracised. But what is even more disturbing is the threat to a family that occurred today on MLW.
    I remember in college if a good football player had raped a student and he was transferred to another school. We are sending the wrong signals. Much of this behavior is by people who have not matured and have a stunted pychological growthor are on steriods etc. Apparently Opie and Anthony and their listeners are in the need of some serious counseling.

  152. Tracy Morgan

    “Much of this behavior is by people who have not matured and have a stunted pychological growthor are on steriods etc. Apparently Opie and Anthony and their listeners are in the need of some serious counseling.”
    Or we have a sense of humor and dont attack everything that WE dont like.
    I think the fat cow who uses a sob story about rape to further her agenda or the mom who uses the “wahhh opie and anthony are influencing my son” routine because she is not a responsible parent are people who are in need of “some serious counseling”.
    If you dont like it, dont listen, the channel can be blocked.

  153. “Freedom of speech does not mean that whatever speech YOU deem to be ok is free but others is not but ALL speech.”

    Wrong. There are lots of things that aren’t protected speech. You can slander or libel people. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater or otherwise cause a general panic or exhort people to violence.

    Even the “copy” from the RIAA only covers one side of free speech and doesn’t cover that which is legally prohibited by both legislation and case law.

    Don’t buy it if we don’t like it? Sorry folks, but there are tons of things in the world that are illegal for everyone to buy. You can’t buy kiddie porn. You can’t buy snuff films. You can’t buy certain drugs. (Legally, that is, for all of those.)

    Our argument is speech that victimizes people should be acted against. Whether that action comes from the law or from us, we’ll see.

    Hey, yesterday was Mother’s Day. Did all of you go to your mothers and say, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! By the way, I’m defending two guys who used a possibly mentally ill homeless man to make jokes about holding down women and fucking them to death.”

    Your mother may defend your right to say it, but I doubt she will be very happy with you.

    By the way — nice slam job coming in and blasting the board with a massive number of replies ranging from pseudo-intellectualized justification to outright hate. Keep up with that. makes you all look great.

  154. My only point is that to make that connection with then calling for their firing is an extreme jump b/c to say anything that subjectively offends you should be banned is a silly argument made in pure emotion.

    I just read through the comments section on this post after several days away from it. Nauseating does not even begin to describe it.

    I am not going to spend a whole lot of time trying to have a rational discussion with people who could post such cruel and loathesome things. But I do want to say this:

    I am as close to a free speech absolutist as there is. I believe deeply in protecting speech I disagree with, because is there any other kind that NEEDS protecting?

    That said, censorship and banning offensive speech are NOT what is at issue here. No one who posts here has said or even suggested that “anything that subjectively offends you should be banned.”

    Whether any of the trolls here can see it or not (and it’s appalling that they can’t), Opie and Anthony WERE telling their audience that rape is okay, and that it’s just fine to go out and rape a woman to death. They were *explicitly* approving rape — and not only rape, but rape in the brutal, terroristic, lethal form it can take.

    It is NOT acceptable to advocate rape, or raping a woman (or anyone) to death. And those of us who are mentally healthy enough to realize just how vile, and disgusting, and repulsive, it was for Opie and Anthony to join with a “homeless man” in an extended on-air “comedy routine” about holding down women and raping them until they are dead, have *every right* to voice our disgust and revulsion. Let me say that again: We have *every right* to speak, write, phone, and communicate in every verbal and written way possible that it is *disgusting, vile, and repulsive* to laugh and joke about a heinous act of unspeakable violence such as holding a woman down and raping her to death. That is disgusting. Do I make myself clear?

    I *don’t* believe in banning offensive speech. I do believe that when speech advocates, or explicitly encourages or sanctions violent criminal acts, and even *murder,* that crosses the line OUT of the realm of people’s right in this country to free speech, even when it is offensive or controversial. Your right to be offensive or controversial ends where my physical safety and life begins.

  155. In paragraph 5, this phrase, “… but rape in the brutal, terroristic, lethal form it can take…” should read “but rape in the MOST brutal, terroristic, lethal form it can take….”

  156. Anonymous

    Chubby chaser said…
    “One more by the way:

    Shock Jocks JV And Elvis Out At CBS, Opie And Anthony Next?

    See ya. Wouldn’t want to be ya.”
    HUR HUR HUR /opielaugh>
    They were live on both CBS and XM today, with full support from both. The Opie & Anthony Traveling virus is hitting 8 cities this summer as well.
    Again, “See ya Wouldnt want to be ya”? Yeah who would want to be multimillionaires with talent with legions of fans?
    What a faggot you must be, a man posting on a blog that caters to fat militant feminists.
    Opie and Anthony always win in the end. One of the last few champions of free speech and thought in this country.

  157. LiddyRules

    “Opie and Anthony WERE telling their audience that rape is okay, and that it’s just fine to go out and rape a woman to death. They were explicitly approving rape — and not only rape, but rape in the brutal, terroristic, lethal form it can take.”

    No, they weren’t. That might be your biased subjective take on it. But that’s not what they were doing.

  158. I will tell you what “appalls” me… YOU.

    Did you hear it?
    Are you an XM Subscriber?
    Were you listening to O&A?

    I doubt it or you would have been pissed off long ago at the “fatty pig fatty” contest. How about this, worry about things that directly affect you. Like for instance when the Dunkin Donuts is out of your favorite bunt builder.

  159. Dean Lewis's Manhood

    Can someone help me find my testicles?

  160. steve the whistler

    For the last time….THEY NEVER SAID RAPE TO DEATH.

    fucking someone to death does not mean killing the. its an expression, thats it. it means fucking a female so well, that getting fucked like that again is the only important thing to her. youve turned her out, and revealed her for the cock hungry little creature she is.

    thats all it means. breaking down the spectrum of her human emotions to simply wanting to get fucked into another time zone. or fucking her to death. same thing.

    and thats basically want a girl wants, getting it so good she has to worship the cock. you know its true

  161. steve the whistler

    For the last time….THEY NEVER SAID RAPE TO DEATH.

    fucking someone to death does not mean killing the. its an expression, thats it. it means fucking a female so well, that getting fucked like that again is the only important thing to her. youve turned her out, and revealed her for the cock hungry little creature she is.

    thats all it means. breaking down the spectrum of her human emotions to simply wanting to get fucked into another time zone. or fucking her to death. same thing.

    and thats basically what a girl wants, getting it so good she has to worship the cock. you know its true

  162. LiddyRules

    Should “Everybody Hates Chris” be taken off the air because of his “…But I Understand” bit?

  163. oddjob

    and thats basically what a girl wants, getting it so good she has to worship the cock. you know its true

    Hopefully someday you’ll get the serious therapy you need to come back to mental health.

    In the meantime, hopefully you’re institutionalized.

  164. Anonymous

    Opie and Anthony fans are a classy bunch, I see…

  165. If I’m not mistaken, this site captures enough information from your comments to track you down, whether you provide false identifying info or not. Given the number of comments above that fall into the category of illegal threat, I would be turning some of that information over to the police at this point, were it my site.

  166. Samuel T Bronside

    “Wrong. There are lots of things that aren’t protected speech. You can slander or libel people. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater or otherwise cause a general panic or exhort people to violence.”

    They didn’t call for violence, they didn’t scream fire in a movie theater or slander anyone. They laughed at a sick joke. a joke that I found funny. Now you can call me a sick-O all you want and that’s ok, I wouldn’t expect anyone who visits this blog to understand dark humor

    “Even the “copy” from the RIAA only covers one side of free speech and doesn’t cover that which is legally prohibited by both legislation and case law.”

    nonetheless no laws were broken.

    “Don’t buy it if we don’t like it? Sorry folks, but there are tons of things in the world that are illegal for everyone to buy. You can’t buy kiddie porn. You can’t buy snuff films. You can’t buy certain drugs. (Legally, that is, for all of those.)”

    Great. but I fail to see the correlation. if I want I can buy smokes and porn. Harmful to me and perfectly legal.

    “Our argument is speech that victimizes people should be acted against. Whether that action comes from the law or from us, we’ll see.”

    as a fan I feel victimized by the comments on this blog grouping all O&A fans together, I want it taken down immediately because I am offended.

    “Hey, yesterday was Mother’s Day. Did all of you go to your mothers and say, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! By the way, I’m defending two guys who used a possibly mentally ill homeless man to make jokes about holding down women and fucking them to death.””

    I certainly did.

    “Your mother may defend your right to say it, but I doubt she will be very happy with you.”

    great. Just like it should be, don’t agree with it, don’t have to be happy about it, but let them say it.

    “By the way — nice slam job coming in and blasting the board with a massive number of replies ranging from pseudo-intellectualized justification to outright hate. Keep up with that. makes you all look great.”
    thanks, we take pride in our work.

  167. This is Melissa eating her daily snack:

  168. Jimmy's Hog

    WOW, your main page has Jackson Brown on it. I could be wrong but wasn’t he recently in the news for beating the shit out of his girlfriend (Daryl Hannah). But I guess he gets a pass because you dig the music, huh? You hypocritical cunt!

  169. LiddyRules

    “Hopefully someday you’ll get the serious therapy you need to come back to mental health.

    In the meantime, hopefully you’re institutionalized.”

    I’m glad you find mental illness funny enough to make fun of. People with serious emotional problems are hospitalized daily because they can no longer handle life. Some of them can never recover. It has broken up families and hurt children.

    To say that someone should be institutionalized for agreeing with comments on a radio show trivializes people with genuine mental illness.

  170. FattyPigFatty

    You’re a liar. You made up that story to further your feminist agenda. But if, by chance, you aren’t lying then at least there was a time in your pathetic life when you fulfilled the only purpose!

  171. SteveC

    For the record, you’re a lying pinko-commie-feminist-bitch that has the nerve to complain about the one time in your life where you served a purpose! You ungrateful cunt!

  172. oddjob

    To say that someone should be institutionalized for agreeing with comments on a radio show trivializes people with genuine mental illness.

    That commenter was doing a hell of a lot more and lot more dangerous than that.

  173. FeministHater

    Don’t lie just because he dumped you after he was done with you. It was the best fuck you ever had.

  174. William Burr

    “Hey, yesterday was Mother’s Day. Did all of you go to your mothers and say, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! By the way, I’m defending two guys who used a possibly mentally ill homeless man to make jokes about holding down women and fucking them to death.”

    Hey faggot, not every homeless black man is mentally retarded. Just because a person is without shelter doesn’t mean you can call them a retard. Fucking hypocritical douche sits here and insults all homeless people while saying no women are allowed to be offended. Fuck you asshole.

    “I don’t believe in banning offensive speech. I do believe that when speech advocates, or explicitly encourages or sanctions violent criminal acts, and even murder, that crosses the line OUT of the realm of people’s right in this country to free speech, even when it is offensive or controversial. Your right to be offensive or controversial ends where my physical safety and life begins.”

    Great so now we have to get rid of every action movie? Comedians have to be fired? All video games? Porn too? Sports ranging from football to the UFC to fucking paintball?

    Why don’t we start with the fucking news. The place where they glorify a fucking mass murderer by playing his tapes instead of turning it over as evidence. They made the fucking V Tech shooter look like he’s in a John Woo movie and REALLY DID cause more school shootings. But you couldn’t give a shit about that right? Just a comedian trying to make people laugh is what you find terrible and offensive. You disgust me.

    Listen cunt, you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about. You’re an emotional, illogical, imbecile that has no ability to rationally think about anything.

    Free speech isn’t around to protect friendly discusions that everyone agrees with. That kind of speech doesn’t have to be protected. Speech that cunts like you want abolished from the airwaves is exactly the type of thing that falls under freedom of speech. If we were forced to only talk about what everyone agreed with we wouldn’t need the 1st amendment now would we?

    I realize you’re probably an ugly, uninteresting, unfunny pig. Why else would you be here? But that doesn’t mean you can ruin the lives of everyone else just because you’re a fat, miserable waste that cant stop shoving food down her greedy gullet. For once, why don’t you try actually using your fucking head for something other than devouring every edible thing in sight. I might not agree with what you say but I really would defend to the death you’re right to say it. Obviously you wouldn’t do the same. Perhaps you should try changing countries considering you hate the very thing it was founded on.

  175. FattyHater

    Man, you managed to clean up all that blood even though your fingernails had been torn away? That must have been painful? Yeah, right. You lying bitch. This whole thing is bullshit. She’s only trying to get her feminist friends to rally behind her.

  176. Robert Saggot

    So does all that fat hide your funny bone? You humorless, ugly dyke cunt!

  177. LadyDye'sDeadHusband

    Fucked to death? How do you know if you covered it up instead seaking immediate medical attention? Certainly if it were a true story you would have needed to see a doctor. Something’s smells fishy here…

  178. pyrrho

    it’s not free speech, it’s paid speech. When paid for humor, you can be fired for not being funny, so sorry about that.

    This would be about free speech if they were not being allowed to give these views, e.g. on a blog of their own, etc, and in many of these venues it would also not be protected as it’s threatening, directly, to real people.

    but you know what, they wouldn’t present these in a free speech situation, they’d have no reason, nothing to gain, they did it, do it, for profit!

    but some of you think that is “free speech”… too bad you don’t understand “free” vs. “for profit”… and as for the law suit threat for using the clip… HAHAHAHA

    study law dipshit. Fair use for commentary purpose and no judge on any continent would think differently about it.


  179. LiddyRules

    Well pyyrho, who should decide what’s funny. The listeners and if they dislike the show let it get cancelled/fire in due time. Or people who have never heard of the show but because of some ridiculous out of context sound clip, a chip on their shoulder and being on a mailing list deems it “unfunny to them?”

  180. Fran Kisch

    When was the last time any of you have been within ten feet of a penis? Yea it is on satellite and we like it. I pay for it and want it that way. BTW: I am 46 year old mother of two and love the shows. I am educated (attorney) and my children Do Not Listen. I have parental controls. BTW: They do have sponsors on XM: Porno sites and sex toys. I don’t think they want to hear what you bitches have to say. Don’t underestimate the O & A army either.

  181. Jim's friend Helen

    Ring, ring!
    Hello, this is Melissa
    You’re a boring fat hole

  182. Lauren Rachaels

    I am disgusted with you Fran Kitsch. I even doubt you are a woman. No real woman would listen to Opie and Anthony because they *gasp* talk about mean things about women. Yes they talk about them about men too but they say mean things about women. And we can’t handle that emotionally as we are women. You should turn in your clit and tits, like a breast cancer survivor.

  183. Correction

    “it’s not free speech, it’s paid speech. When paid for humor, you can be fired for not being funny, so sorry about that.”

    Hey dumbfuck. Free is not in reference to how much money it costs, it’s free as in FREEDOM. You’re free to say whatever the fuck you want. Holy shit what a fucking idiot…

    Oh and O&A are still on. Why? Because a lot of people do indeed find them funny and pay XM a shitload of money to hear them. The day this story broke XM was bombarded with thousands of emails with threats to cancel their subscriptions if any action was taken against them.

  184. Dear Idiot Trolls,



    The Weasel

  185. GloriousJohnson

    youre a fat cunt who doesnt have a sense of humor .

    the bit was hilarious you listened to a clip taken out of context .

    and the fact it was on xm and not free fm it is not regulated by fcc regulations so yeah theyre allowed to say it .

  186. Shiftymh

    Just a quick question here.

    How many of you write e-mails to sponsors and shows describing your outrage over Prison rape jokes?

  187. Derp

    Oh no, two clever jpegs, one that implies that a cat will scratch my face!
    Thats adorable.
    Melissa is a fat hole. I am amazed that someone ventured past that front butt in order to rape your stupid ass.
    Here is a clever picture for you all.

    Try some once and a while in place of your steady diet of bacon grease.

  188. Derp

    Oh no, two clever jpegs, one that implies that a cat will scratch my face!
    Thats adorable.
    Melissa is a fat hole. I am amazed that someone ventured past that front butt in order to rape your stupid ass.
    Here is a clever picture for you all.

    Try some once and a while in place of your steady diet of bacon grease. GTFO! LOLZZZ

  189. Neil

    Rape isn’t funny but in this country we have freedom to say what we want, especially on a private paid service.
    You don’t have a leg to stand on, so “Go get your F-ing shine box”, and get a life.

  190. Steve from Yellowstone

    Fucking to death could also mean his own death. You think of that one too. . .oh of course not ms. one-track mind. iF everything were so literal, the world would be a very boring place.

  191. Paul R Nelson

    Posted by “Fair and Balanced” Dave

    I wonder how Opie and Anthony would feel about a “comic” routine about the two of them being anally raped in prison? I’ll bet their studio audience would think it’s a laff riot—hey they’re a couple of “cute” guys who are just “asking for it”.

    Believe me they know how it feels. Their fans and guests regularly rake them over the coals. That’s why this type of humor is called “cringe humor”. It makes you laugh but cringe at the same time.
    Most women will never get it. It’s a guy thing. We make jokes about everything and anything especially the sick stuff like rape.
    Maybe it’s just a way of dealing with the horror of daily life in a ruthless and dangerous world.
    Whatever it is, I understand why a woman would be offended but to try to muzzle them is dangerous. What if some male activist group decided that NOW was an offensive organization, and any statements of women empowerment offends males?
    We really must just stick to the FCC guidelines, don’t worry so much about others and move on. I get called a cracker, white bread, and many times people will say things about my family. It’s doesn’t bother me cause I know it isn’t personal.
    Do you really think O&A want to have homless Charlie rape Rice??? Really?? Then you are insane and should be committed.

  192. GM

    That. Was a fantastic post. I’m sorry for what happened to you.

    As far as being “funny” goes — I understand raunchy humor, etc. I’ve listened to some pretty raw stuff. However, as are “rape” lines getting blurred, so is decency and shielding our kids from hearing and seeing things their young minds can’t filter out and discern as (hopefully) an adult would. Adults hearing that might cringe, but most know the intent is to shock, disgust or whatever. Kids don’t.

    He really wants to rape someone? To death? Is that OK? Is that normal? Is that cool?

    There is a personal responsibility that people are just throwing out the window and it is really sad.

  193. Good lord, what a thread this is.

    Mean people suck.

  194. Kiki

    They’ve been suspended, for thirty days (big deal) as should many of the people posting nasty comments here! freedom of speech, yes, freedom to abuse your priviledge as a guest on someone else’s blog–try using your brains. Disgusting.
    Reuters report here:
    Their web site doesn’t even mention it.

  195. wedeman

    You know, when I see a thread like this, and the hate, and bile, and incomprehensible murderous rage, I find myself struggling with what Camus called the only philosophical question worth answering: whether to kill one’s self. There has to be a better world than one where people like this live and breathe.

  196. Maggie

    You know what I find really interesting about all this?

    You’ve got Melissa McEwan, who has the courage to stand up for what she believes in and let her identity be known – and then you’ve got all these anonymous douchebags who think they’re so macho and tough with names like “FattyHater,” “FeministHater,” and “FattyPigFatty.”

    Look at all the big strong tough guys who are afraid to have even their first names connected with their comments!

  197. oddjob

    They may all be the same person using a variety of bogus identities.

  198. Misty

    They may all be the same person using a variety of bogus identities.

    Yep. A number of the comments here–and that went into other posts–were made by the same person using a half-dozen or so sock-puppets.

  199. spencer

    After reading this thread, I think one thing is inescapably clear:

    Opie and Anthony fans are idiots.

    Case in point:

    What if some male activist group decided that NOW was an offensive organization, and any statements of women empowerment offends males?

    Right, because rape is what we males have instead of female empowerment.

    You dumb, dumb, DUMB motherfucker.

  200. Opie and Anthony sitting in a tree

    Apparently Opie and Anthony’s listeners all enjoy cock and fantasize about being anally raped. Who knew?

  201. Bert Shaw

    OMG! I can’t believe that a woman shares her hurt and pain about an issue as deep as a rape and all that some people can do is argue that she’s trying to limit their freedom of speech rights. Thanks for showing no compassion. That’s what makes America great. My heart goes out to Melissa for what she went through and I feel bad for her that she has been reminded of that experience just so that two retards can make a few bucks on the radio. I especially want to give a big screw you to vcdburn for threatening Melissa with a lawsuit. You must really be a great human being. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to be treated with the same compassion. Thanks for sharing Melissa. I wish that there was something I could do to ease your pain.

  202. James

    I love how these idiots have just proven that what feminists say is right — that many, if not most, men don’t take rape seriously, and that they hate women. If they really wanted feminism to stop existing, all they’d have to do is start treating women like human beings. Duh.

  203. me

    I was raped when I was 6 years old so I know alot about how you are feeling. It is something that is with me for the rest of my life. I am now in my 40’s. I do much better now but the scars never completely go away. I hate that women still need to fight so hard for respect and the right to be treated as human.

  204. Elizabeth

    Wow. I just got found a link to this blog today, so I apologise that these comments are coming so late. First of all, Melissa, thank you so much for the courage to speak up about your rape and I am so sorry that that happened to you. Second, I simply cannot believe the number of posters claiming that “it’s just comedy” or “they never actually said ‘rape’, he just said he wanted to hold her down and punch her in the face and ‘fuck her to death'”. Or the mainstream news reports referring to it as “sex talk” or “fantasizing about having sex”.

    Give me a fucking break! Holding someone down and violently subduing them in order to “fuck” them IS rape, you don’t need to say the word for it to be true! And as for the people who would claim that it’s just a joke, how in the world could someone even begin to imagine that rape is funny? I can’t even comprehend it.

    And as for freedom of speech, I am one of the strongest 1st Amendment defenders, but I didn’t realize that it protects only your right to make offensive comments, not my right to criticize you. Silly me.

    I won’t even comment on the people who can’t write a sentence without saying things like “fat” “bitch” “whore” “cunt”, etc., b/c they are clearly morons.

  205. Oh wow. This is the best example I’ve seen for a long time of trolls just proving the point. Uh, yeah, keep going, guys, you’re doing a really good job.

  206. Darkrose


    Melissa, I hope that you have IP addresses for some of these people–and I’m using the term loosely–who are apparently so insecure in their masculinity that the only way they can respond to a woman who disagrees with them is by threats and gutter-level insults.

    But way to make your argument that “it’s just humor”, guys. For something that’s “just humor” and has nothing to do with reality, you sure seem to find it upsetting. Gee, maybe you should try not being so offended–that’s what you’re telling us, right?

  207. brklyngrl


    Thank you for speaking out and sharing your experience. I’m sure you’re not surprised at what happened – I’m sad to say that I’m not surprised. I’m sending a mean letter to XM sponsors and forwarding this thread along to friends. I think it makes the point about why rape jokes aren’t funny better than I ever could.

  208. tiger

    (sniff)(sniff) Smells like fat, threatened American male rape-apologist privlege in here! Oh–wait. No—my dog just farted. Nevermind!

    I am more disgusted with the comments from the trolls here than I am with the sequence in question. Nothing like the internet to hide the cowards, eh boys? Loooooosers.And if anyone was playing along with their Misogynist BINGO card, we may have a winner. Let’s see–

    1) use of the term Feminazi
    2) calling the women here fat and ugly
    3) whining “but men get raped toooooooooooo”
    4) calling the women here “cunts”
    5) more rape threats! yay!

    What a tired bunch of cliches. Kinda like all you hysterical trolls.

    I’m laughing over here. I can picture it–the legions of overfed, undereducated knuckle draggers furiously typing away with one hand on the keyboard crammed underneath your bloated beer bellies–typing out your OUTRAGE at teh BAD FEMINAZIS. Oh, wahhhhhhhhhh, you silly little bitches. Crying because someone is trying to take your rape humor away? WAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

    Of course, I can understand why y’all would be so threatened–since most of the trolls here probably have to resort to rape, since no woman would willingly have sex with men of your questionable calibre. See, if the world starts taking rape a bit more seriously, that would really cut into Friday night, wouldn’t it? And men and women being outraged at a pretty tasteless bit that makes light of a crime that leaves its victims emotionally crippled and damaged for years makes you uncomfortable because well, you’re just a bit closer to being found out, right?

    That’s okay, I can understand your hostility. Too much porn can do that to a person. But here’s a helpful hint: take your hands off your tiny greasy cocks, push yourselves away from the monitor, get out in the real world once in awhile and educate yourselves. Staying indoors whacking off to internet porn has made you pale, and stupid.

  209. You know how it’s illegal to talk about killing the president?

    I bet that protection doesn’t extend to talking about fucking his wife to death, huh?

    Pity. I’d love to see these fuckers charged with treason. Although that would send the message that it’s okay to talk about this shit if it’s any other woman, and that would suck.

  210. Naomi L

    Just wanted to speak up and thankyou for an excellent blog post. I got halfway thru the troll’s posts and couldn’t keep reading. Although I am sure you have a handle on it by now, don’t let the ignorant and pathetic get you down – there’s a lot of people who have your back too, by the look of it 🙂
    They are neanderthals and the world will leave them far behind.
    It amazes me that people, even well educated and well intentioned ones, don’t see a link between laughing at a rape description, phrases like “fucking the shit out of her” and the contempt and hatred for women held by actual rapists. Perhaps they do know, deep down, and feel ashamed for laughing, so they go on to attack the person who points it out.

  211. Johanna

    #1 The rapists posting here are confused between free speech and hate speech. “Incitement to violence” is another phrase they probably have trouble comprehending.

    #2 Research indicates that men who hold what are called “rape supportive beliefs” – otherwise known as misogyny – are likely to rape. Men making excuses for rapists merely increases the odds that he himself is a rapist. Gosh, and men wonder why some women think “all men are rapists”? Reality, that’s why.

    #3 Humor used to cope with a difficult situation – ok. Did a man rape Opie and Andy? Are they making jokes to cover the fact that they too have been victims of rape? If they have been raped, then why would they think raping someone to death is funny? Do they enjoy inflicting the same pain they have experienced onto someone else?

    #4 Humor used to express approval of something – ok when that something is a positive experience; WRONG when that something is as awful as rape or murder.

    #5 Only intelligent, honest, and ethical people are capable of telling the difference between #3 and #4.

    #6 Fascinating that they don’t believe it’s rape unless THE MAN says it’s rape. Can you say male priveledge and entitlement mentality? Personally, I don’t give a shit what any man has to say about it; if the victim says she felt raped then it’s rape! YOU DON’T GET TO TELL SOMEONE ELSE HOW THEY FEEL DUMBASS!

    #7 They don’t like what Melissa posted, and so they’re complaining about it! They said “if you don’t like it, then don’t watch it”. Odd, but they don’t seem capable of following their own advice. Iz they stoopid?

    #8 They sure seem to be obsessed with Melissa’s weight, not sure why it matters to them unless they’re concerned they have one less anorexic to fuck.

    #9 When you don’t have anything logical to say, attack someone’s appearance.

    #10 Hate is not healthy; healthy people don’t hate.

    Melissa, I am very very sorry for what you had to endure, but I am very glad you survived. You rock!

  212. Naomi L

    Hehe, go tiger! Love your work!

  213. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    It is blatantly obvious some of these ‘men’ are raving mysogynists who’ve been exposed as such. The abusive comments are evidence of that, let alone the idiocy of their attempts to explain why rape is so fucking funny. I intend to rape and torture every one of them if I get half the chance.
    Ha Ha! I wonder if they get my HUMOUR? I really am quite the comedienne. Lets hope I don’t meet them in a dark alley sometime, I might do my best AIELEEN WOURNOS impression and shoot their tiny dicks off! Ha Ha! Oh dear, I’m laughing at my own jokes!
    All praise and love to Melissa, the courageous woman of truth. You are our hero.

  214. Johanna

    Oh Army, I thought I was the only one who thought that way!

    If appeals to logic, ethics, justice, or fairness worked on all men, then misogyny would be dead by now.

    It isn’t – so obviously something else is needed… COMMON FUCKING SENSE LADIES!

    Here’s the message I sent (one of ’em anyway) to this page: http://xmradio.com/contact_us/customer_support.jsp

    “I’m gonna put a bullet through Opie and Anthony’s brains.” ~heard on the radio.

    Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?

    That’s freedom of speech right? No hate there, right?

    “Then, I’m gonna hold ’em down and rape ’em to death” ~also heard on the radio.

    Your call, assholes

    If they can’t tell the difference between free speech and hate speech, then I guess I can’t either. Incidently, one of these days I’m going to be told I’m dying, and then I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE ASSHOLES

  215. HOLY HELL, what’s with the troll infestation?

    You guys are wastes of humanity. i can only hope you get treated like you’re treating people.

    Shakes, ou should save this as an excellent example of why feminist blogs screen posts: but delete these here.

  216. Actually, I’ve decided to leave them so women bloggers will always have a public comments thread to which to point as an example of this sort of thing.

  217. The thing that gets me with all the comediens who do rape humor and all the people who seem to love it, is that they always defend it as “edgy”, or some similar defense. Rape humor is about as edgy as painting the sky blue. It’s everywhere. Everybody does it. It’s a cheap shot done for yucks, neither innovative nor well thought out.

    If Opie and Anthony are such great comics, surely they can be more creative than copying what 90% of male comics have done for the last 20 years at least.

  218. Jackie

    Laughing at Opie & Anthony advocating rape, is saying I support rapists. I support men who take women and torture them for shits and giggles. I support men who rape baby girls. I support men who fantasize keeping a woman locked in a dungeon left to starve and die, for his amusement.

    Yeah, ok you’re probaly saying I went too far. I’ll admit, I’ve watched more than my fair share of horror films. Of which some of those scenarios are from. My point being, is that it’s ALL TIED IN TOGETHER. Hate of women is hate of women. PERIOD

    Speaking of horror films, there is a film from Japan called Audition. It is a story of a man who holds a fake audition, to find a woman he wants to date. He ends up dating a woman, who her whole life has been abused. Physically, emotionally, abused every day.

    The ending, which is considered rather infamous. The girl ties the man down she was dating, and starts putting needles into him. She felt that he had betrayed her by loving someone other than her. Sound familiar? Sound like your typical pattern of husband/wife abuse? Think about it, what if that happened. What if all over the media it was a big joke. “Why is this guy complaining, I wish I could’ve f**ked that hottie” “He calls himself a man, letting a woman do that to him?” “Hey lol, I sure would like to f**k Colin Powell to death, ahahahahahha!” Just think about that.

    This is what we women have to live with EVERY SINGLE DAY. Perhaps this is one of the messages of Audition. This man wanted a perfect woman, boy was he shocked when the tables were turned, and she treated him worse than a dog. It’s not so funny when it’s the man who is emotionally taken advantage of with words of eternal love. It’s not so funny when a man suddenly is dealing with a woman, who just snaps and beats the s**t out of him.

    For all of you who posted hate rhetoric towards the woman here. Rent Audition. Yes the version you get from Blockbuster, probaly is highly censored. I don’t really think I could expect you to pay the money for a DVD someone is recommending to strangers. Watch the movie, then come back and tell us how funny it was to watch the ending. If you didn’t find it funny, then you should’t find rape funny either.

  219. Jackie

    Laughing at Opie & Anthony advocating rape, is saying I support rapists. I support men who take women and torture them for shits and giggles. I support men who rape baby girls. I support men who fantasize keeping a woman locked in a dungeon left to starve and die, for his amusement.

    Yeah, ok you’re probaly saying I went too far. I’ll admit, I’ve watched more than my fair share of horror films. Of which some of those scenarios are from. My point being, is that it’s ALL TIED IN TOGETHER. Hate of women is hate of women. PERIOD

    Speaking of horror films, there is a film from Japan called Audition. It is a story of a man who holds a fake audition, to find a woman he wants to date. He ends up dating a woman, who her whole life has been abused. Physically, emotionally, abused every day.

    The ending, which is considered rather infamous. The girl ties the man down she was dating, and starts putting needles into him. She felt that he had betrayed her by loving someone other than her. Sound familiar? Sound like your typical pattern of husband/wife abuse? Think about it, what if that happened. What if all over the media it was a big joke. “Why is this guy complaining, I wish I could’ve f**ked that hottie” “He calls himself a man, letting a woman do that to him?” “Hey lol, I sure would like to f**k Colin Powell to death, ahahahahahha!” Just think about that.

    This is what we women have to live with EVERY SINGLE DAY. Perhaps this is one of the messages of Audition. This man wanted a perfect woman, boy was he shocked when the tables were turned, and she treated him worse than a dog. It’s not so funny when it’s the man who is emotionally taken advantage of with words of eternal love. It’s not so funny when a man suddenly is dealing with a woman, who just snaps and beats the s**t out of him.

    For all of you who posted hate rhetoric towards the woman here. Rent Audition. Yes the version you get from Blockbuster, probaly is highly censored. I don’t really think I could expect you to pay the money for a DVD someone is recommending to strangers. Watch the movie, then come back and tell us how funny it was to watch the ending. If you didn’t find it funny, then you should’t find rape funny either.

  220. Jeffrey Demos

    Is THIS what has to happen anytime somebody says something that offends somebody? Why can’t you just take the show for what it is (an offensive X rated comedy talk show) and move on. Topics and conversations like that happen EVERY DAY on their show. It’s nothing new. The only reason that everybody is outraged about this little soundbyte is becuase somebody who doesn’t like the show decided to wait like a vulture to record and post it. First off, it’s a PAY service. People actually pay money to hear this kind of talk. Yes that’s right. That means that people actually CHOOSE to listen to it. I guess next you’ll be trying to ban the Playboy channel because it had naked women on it…… All I have to say is that the people that listen to their show CHOOSE to. Also, the show is advertised as having offensive and extreme language and that the channel can be blocked. Why don’t you people do a little research before you go pointing fingers because somebody said something bad. WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t want to hear stuff like that, then don’t listen. BUT I SWEAR TO GOD, THE NEXT PERSON WHO TRIES TO DICTATE WHAT I SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T LISTEN TO IS GETTING SEVERELY BEATEN TO THE POINT OF BRAIN DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  221. lil'Connar

    I think this stuff if HILARIOUS…HILARIOUS PEOPLE!

  222. Rob

    Do you people honestly think joking about something is the same as advocating it? Do you think rapists sit around listening to people joke about rape? Murderers like jokes about killing? Using your brilliant logic, the IRS should audit anyone who find jokes about paying taxes funny.

    Nobody is forcing you to laugh or even listen to it. Leave us and our entertainment alone.

  223. Ali

    Why aren’t you blaming that rapist for taking away her ability to blindly enjoy stupid “harmless” humor? And not her?

    Really you’re saying “don’t ruin our fun by reminding us of reality.” Your entertainment is more important to you than a person. No ones taking it off the air. And you’re still upset. You’re not even open to her point. And I doubt any of you are would be rapists, just defensive as hell, which means you’re threatened. So you should sympathize.

    If you don’t like the idea of someone screwing with what you find funny, if that makes you (pout!) unhappy, imagine how much being raped would take away from your enjoyment of life. “Don’t change my daily life, don’t mess with my happiness” – not funny, right?

    “Women just don’t get that kind of humor” come on dipshit, I laugh at nasty jokes. You’d probably shit yourself at some ugly and perverse things I’ve heard women say.
    “You can’t complain about cringe humor cuz – what if someone complained about N.O.W. or something?” Yes, this has never happened.
    And best of all, THEY COMPLAIN A WOMAN WHO WAS ACTUALLY RAPED IS BEING TOO SENSITIVE? And ugly, and humorless, too.
    “Guys are sometimes raped” – yeah and I bet they don’t find it funny afterwards, either.

    Gotta love people who think they’re the shit because they “cross the line”. They’re so daring! Pushing the limit of taste, every day! That line is for OTHER people. And they’ll complaion you’re enforcing it for them, but still enforce it for other people themselves: “Don’t tell ME what to laugh at/have a sense of humor, bitch!” They’re too smart for any line of taste, too subtle in their humor, they get jokes we idiots don’t.

    Can’t you laugh to yourself but see why it’s not appropriate? Why it would hurt her? And THEREFORE SHUT UP on her own site? Still, I’m glad you did post this hard bullshit and glad she left you all hanging out there. Don’t just joke that you’d say shit like this to your own mother – go do it. See how good you feel then.

    Men seem to think dirty naughtiness is their own domain. A lot of people have dark thoughts sexually, women too. You think we don’t get the jokes? I did get it, I just don’t find it worth the cost. Yeah, yeah, they’re demeaning the homeless guy by pointing out how sexist, ignorant and violent he passes himself off as. “Look, he ain’t quite with the program. And he’s powerless, too. How funny.”
    Laugh it up.

  224. Ninja

    Would Mellisa be defensive if the “trolls” on this site went after whoever to have her site removed. The only reason O&A supporters are here is to defend what they love to listen to. I also think its the condesending nature of your comments that really brings the rudest responses. Just like you can personally identify with Mellisa, many fans have that bond with O&A.

  225. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    Oh how touching, that O&A listeners can RELATE to RAPE. Well that’s their choice. They pay money to have the RIGHT to promote hatred and violence towards women.
    I choose to PAY MONEY to purchase weapons for the sole purpose of killing rapists and all the people who SUPPORT them. HA HA HA!! Hilarious!
    Almost as hilarious as people so desperate to protect their seedy porn and rape humour that they will resort to violence.
    FUCK OFF!! you filthy fuckin slimebags with no penises. Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

  226. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    Oh how touching, that O&A listeners can RELATE to RAPE. Well that’s their choice. They pay money to have the RIGHT to promote hatred and violence towards women.
    I choose to PAY MONEY to purchase weapons for the sole purpose of killing rapists and all the people who SUPPORT them. HA HA HA!! Hilarious!
    Almost as hilarious as people so desperate to protect their seedy porn and rape humour that they will resort to violence.
    FUCK OFF!! you filthy fuckin slimebags with no penises. Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

  227. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    Oh how touching, that O&A listeners can RELATE to RAPE. Well that’s their choice. They pay money to have the RIGHT to promote hatred and violence towards women.
    I choose to PAY MONEY to purchase weapons for the sole purpose of killing rapists and all the people who SUPPORT them. HA HA HA!! Hilarious!
    Almost as hilarious as people so desperate to protect their seedy porn and rape humour that they will resort to violence.
    FUCK OFF!! you filthy fuckin slimebags with no penises. Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

  228. Jess

    Sweet Lordy, this entry has attracted all sorts of trolls and idiots (I thought all they were all supposed to be being kept distracted at SA?).
    Just wanted to let anyone who was bored or masochistic enough to scroll through this originally sane but eventually sickening lot of comments that smart people are reading this article still, not just nutjobs. I am so glad this blog exists, and that this entry is EXCELLENT, and THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU, Ms Shakesville.

  229. sarah

    I know this article’s been up for over a year now, but I just wanted to let you know it made me cry. Nobody should ever have to feel what you felt, ever.

  230. Raging DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO FUCK YOURELF Witchy Woo, You deserve to be abused, you FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!! YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF up the ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE USED UP Ginmar, YOU STUPID FILTHY WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO STAB YOURSELF STUPID FUCKING CUNT WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD BE BEATEN, YOU INFERIOR UGLY SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST BE ABUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  231. Jessica

    Nice entry. I agree with you. I don’t really see this kind of humor going away any time soon, but it’s definitely reassuring to know that other people see it the same as I do–not humorous in any way, shape, or form.

    Thanks again. :]


  232. I wasn’t offended because I wasn’t listening. I support their right to make jokes about whatever they want. I do not support anyone’s right to censor their First Amendment rights.
    Am I a fan? No, of course not. I’m a 40 year old man who gave up on childish toilet humor at age 5. However I’m not a fan of repression of basic freedom of speech, regardless of the motivation.

    Yes, it’s a First Amendment issue, Melissa. Sorry.

  233. Matt

    I think you missed the point. As unfortunate as your 16 year old mis-adventure was, the bum fully understands rape to be horrible, and took pleasure in the thought that he could do these horrible things to people he believes to be horrible, and deserving of such things. I know you will probably respond saying “nobody deserves it” or whatever… Again, not my point, I didn’t say it. He wants to punish them.

  234. Rei

    I have a friend who was sexually assaulted by a boyfriend of hers. She told me that it was nice of him to hit her where she could hide the bruises, and that it was her own fault since she made him mad.

    A woman used to live with my family as a boarder. On her first date with a preacher’s son she was raped, beaten, and left for dead.

    My mother was raped. I’m the result.

    I don’t find those situations funny. Anyone who hears about it doesn’t think so either.

    Thank you for posting this. I can laugh at a lot of things (I regularly joke with my friends about Jeff Dunham’s Achmed the dead terrorist, one of who’s signature lines is “Silence! I kill you!”) but rape is not one of them. I’ve seen the consequences and can’t stomach people making light of it, same as with jokes about abusing animals.

    Stay strong, and never give up. I got here through Reddit, so rest assured that the message about how deplorable rape jokes are is still being spread.

    Again, thank you.

  235. Jeff

    You don’t sound like a boring feminist. You sound like someone who is self-righteously self-important because she is in love with her ‘pity me, let me take it out on men’ victimhood, which describes most feminists pretty accurately.

  236. Jeff

    “I’m a bitch who tore out her fingernails by the roots in the carpet trying to crawl away from someone who nearly fucked me to death.”

    You’re a drama queen.

    “I’m a bitch whose face was smashed against a stone fireplace because I fought back, leaving me groggy and bleeding from one end—and with a permanently chipped tooth as a souvenir—while I got torn apart at the other.”

    You’re a ‘poor me, I’m a victim’ drama queen.

    ” I’m a bitch who was left lying in a pool of her own blood, which I later cleaned up so my parents wouldn’t find out, because I was 16 years old and scared and ashamed and grew up in a culture that tells bitches who nearly get fucked to death that it’s their fault. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious?”

    You probably didn’t grow up in a culture ‘that tells bitches who nearly get fucked to death that it’s their fault.’ Rather, you were just too afraid to tell anyone. And that’s understandable, because what happened to you was awful. So you should have the courage to seek help to deal with what happened. It doesn’t mean that you should go about with your self-righteous victimhood, though.

  237. Here’s the thing…

    You make a poignant point, but Opie and Anthony do not connect their conversation with what happened to you when you were 16. I don’t either.

    I’m horrified by what happened to you. I cringed when I read your brief recap. I can’t even begin to imagine what that could have been like.

    But I don’t connect it in any way with what a drunk homeless man says on an openly offensive radio show.

    I totally respect your right to be offended by it. After all, it happened to you. But for everyone else, it’s just a crazy asshole trying to make the rich white men laugh.

  238. And Rei…you’re such a lightweight.

    >> I don’t find those situations funny. Anyone who hears about it doesn’t think so either.

    Quite obviously, some “anyones” certainly do.

  239. b

    >Naturally, I’ll be called a humorless feminist.

    Naturally, you’d be right.

    Just to be clear, I don’t find it humorous, or entertaining, much more than monkeys throwing feces at each other or people deriving entertainment value from “Flavor of Love 3”. But at the same time, I don’t have anger “curling its tendrils around my ribs” (you can almost tell how long the author had been saving that one up) because some people find something funny in something utterly crass and devoid of value to humanity.

    Grow up. Find something else to interact with besides the squawking electronic box near your head.

  240. Leanne

    I think that the responses recieved here were disgusting.. As a surviving rape victim, it makes my heart ache to see all the anger and derogatory statements made towards the victim.. As well as making me sick to my stomach – you people are not humans – you’re sick.. For those who are not aware – when a rape victim get mocked or ridiculed or blamed, she gets raped again – in her mind.. So all of you, who have mocked or ridiculed or blamed – you too are rapists.. And those who have condoned that foul clip, you are condoning rape – you are saying it is ok to “fuck someone to death” – what if that someone was your mother? Wife? Sister? Would it be so ok then?
    What if it was your brother, son or father doing the raping? Still ok..?
    I know, like the other woman who stood up and said it’s wrong, I am going to be attacked by you sick bastards, but that’s ok.. Attack away.. I’m a rape survivor – I’ve already been stripped of my dignity – what do you think your evil words are taking from me, or these other woman? Nothing – we’ve lost it already.. All you accomplish is to remind us.. And, I can speak for all these woman, but my conscience is clear, I did nothing wrong – you fuckers (no pun intended of course) have no conscience.. Not if you can sit in front of your computers and write this bullshit – and mean it.. I hope your thoughts find you in hell.

  241. Quamie

    Rape is so funny, we need it in our society.

  242. I knew there was a reason I stopped listening to O&A… Sick fuckers. And anyone who thinks that shit is funny… post your real name so that if I meet you IRL I know to run away. Or maybe hold you down and fuck you to death. Cause you’d like it, if you weren’t such whiny bitches. I mean, if I don’t say so, it’s not really rape. Right? All these idiots on here, take a moment to imagine someone shoving something inside you while you’re screaming and having your head slammed into the pavement. You’d be a victim and then you’d have to listen to pompous douchebags lecture you about your “self-righteous victimhood”. Isn’t that AWESOME?? I’m laughing.
    And b, *I* have that kind of anger reading and hearing that shit. Melissa doesn’t need to “grow up”, you need to stop being “a condescending, arrogant prick”.

  243. Quamie Launders

    Listen you feminist whore, you’re nothing but a BIG, FAT PHONY!

  244. holy shit.

    I was outraged by the opie and andy bit, though I hadn’t found blogs like this yet. On my own I wrote to XM, and weeks later got a reply letting me know the happy news that they would be back on the air. Those assholes had counted my protest email against Opie and Andy as a protest email against their firing.

    Reading this now…. oh, Melissa, I’m just so sorry. Writing this post was a wonderful thing. I’m sure a lot of people felt more connected and supported because of it. I’m sure it helped then, just as I’m sure keeping the post up continues to help people understand the gravity of stunts like Opie and Andy’s.

    It feels very eerie to read the hateful comments knowing that some of those people most likely are rapists in real life. I believe rot like that should be preserved, that there should be a record of just how misogynistic some people are.

    Melissa, I really admire what you’ve done.

  245. Rape clock

    I LOL’D If you were to stop being such a stupid bitch and accept the raping then you wouldn’t have gotten beaten amirite? And the rapist seems to not have completed the job since you are here typing. And all this would of never happened if you never left the kitchen you dumb bitch. And to all you you feminazi’s gb2 Kitchen NAO and make me a sammich.

  246. Rape clock

    sieg hail feminazi’s

  247. Judith Jewcakes

    The best part is that the Opie & Anthony supporters are completely proving your point, Melissa.

    Whenever people ask why I have no sense of humor (because when I pee my pants laughing at Jim Gaffigan, Noel Fielding, Eddie Izzard, and Mitch Hedberg, that obviously doesn’t count), I remember: People laugh at violent, frightening things to cope, to remove the reality, because they are insecure. And I say, “You’re right. I’m terribly sorry that I’m not as insecure as you.”

  248. estimate

    I read this and I wanted to display how wrong you are with an insult because I didn’t feel like spending time typing but then I remembered that you are a women and you know it so you know that there isn’t anything worse than you. Any insult would be just reminding you that you are indeed a woman so you can’t be right about anything.

    And a congrats on losing your virginity but you don’t really need to tell us. We don’t care.

  249. Rich's Girl

    My understanding was that the feminist movement aimed to promote choice and freedom of speech.

    Guess I was wrong.

    If you find a joke tasteless, you can always change the channel and forget about it. Whereas you decided to start a website about it. You have issues, sweetie.

    Typical man hating feminazi.

  250. Rich's Girl

    Also, what proof do we have that you’re telling the truth about what happened? I wonder what his side of the story would be like, hmm?

  251. Logic

    Then don’t fucking listen to it. I agree, they’re pricks, but they’re entitled to say those things. If you have a problem hearing them, change the station. Fucking Christ.

  252. Screaming Dragon!!!!!!!


  253. Milla

    You should just erase those comments…
    They are just idiots that don´t know the difference between rape and sex. Poor things, they must watch porn to pretend that feel pleasure, thay treat womyn bad trying to make then feel better, they can´t be better than this because they are miserable, stupid, full of hate…
    They don´t know what is sense of humor.
    They would make a favor to the world just dying.

    Rape isn´t funny, isn´t a joke.
    I´m so sorry fo what happened…

  254. Stupid Whore Fucker


  255. Vox Populi

    Wow. What an education in stupidity. Thanks for leaving all the comments up. It’s the whole awful mass of them that gives this page its impact.

    And the fact that so many people don’t understand what freedom of speech is . . . how can people be so ignorant and still function in day to day life?

  256. Susan

    These comments are really silly. I would delete them if I were you. O & A fans are really as crazy as they are. Geez.

  257. You made a comment on another post about how if you constantly were looking for fucked-up shit, you wouldn’t be pissed, you’d be mind-numbingly depressed, yes?

    One creepy comment makes me angry, 2 creepy comments make me angry, but hundreds? I want to hide under the covers from psychos, but I don’t know how I could possibly get to sleep.

    On other posts I saw (small groups of) trolls and had a fleeting: “oh, to be popular enough to have trolls” moment. I have amazing respect and admiration for you. Your posts are consistently amazing, your points are cogent, you take so much in stride I never could, and I truly don’t know how you do it.


    (Loki, I just want to go scrub off the taint of hatred)

  258. EdGuth

    Is it too late to write anybody to complain about this? I’ve only just found your blog today.

  259. warlord

    If I could make it so rape never happens again, I would, but the fact is I or no one else can,and that being the fact, I would like too witness a real one, at least once, too see the fear and brutality as I’ve heard it described.

  260. *paging a mod*

    troll clean up on aisle fuck off you creepy asshole

  261. warlord

    Yea that sounded a lot worse than I intended. Rape being about power, control, fear etc. is something I don’t understand, why? That is rape in reality. Whether I could really watch something like that, I rather doubt it . If someone breaks into home etc. and commits an act such as rape, and I read about that all the time, what takes place, is it threats to instill fear, or injure someone, embarrass someone, leave them shocked and confused too the point that they can’t think or function, I mean what the hell is going on. I wonder about good and bad things, and what they look like, if I’ve never seen them. Rape in reality being power and control etc. is something I don’t get. Then there are rape fantasies, that both men and women may have sometimes, and that is about sex. Role play, bondage and submission, that kind of thing. It seems to me there is a fine line between the two. But one is reality and one is fantasy, two very different things. I get the sex thing, but not the other. It may be weird, but I’m still curious.

  262. relentless

    a duel comment about this and the Glen Beck Post: As a male, yes MALE that has been sexually abused and physically abused i find alot of bullshit here. Yes this is horrible from the O&A show, everyone knows they are scumbags, but the Beck site is a clearly diffrent story. In the Beck site, rape is not used to be funny or put in a light where it is a joke, it is in fact shown to be a horrific thing. They didnt accuse him of a lesser crime because that would destory the whole fucking point. Yet my biggest complaint is you all wanna just ignore the first thing written in our wonderful constitution, that wonderful freedom of speech. It protects the horrible things we dont wanna hear too, sorry. And stop with the femaninist crap, get it right. Fight for equal pay, fight for equal power, fight for equalality period, demand to have to sign draft cards too, demand an end to advertising putting women in a horrible light, demand an end to shows that make women out to be idiots, but dont fight to take away peoples rights to make stupid horrific jokes, thats their fucking right, if you dont like it dont listen, and convince others to do the same, but dont use the guise of a horrible event to blame everyone, it took me many years to come to terms with what I dealt with and im not going to get into how bad it got but suffice it to say, rape is not the worst it can get, and yea im ok with whatever pissed off comments that will attract, but trust me, it can get so much worse, I have the scars to prove it, would you get this angry if it were a joke about slavery? murder? genocide? or is it only rape that sets you off in your closed view of the world, I understand you want to vent and hurt these people that joke about what we at the bottom of their social ladder have dealt with in the real world, and yes men are in general horrible to women, but its a 2 way road, never forget that, the real point im trying to make here is please, stop acting like men are the problem, it is all attackers everywhere that are the problem and its hearing things like this that always used to set me back, give us male victimes a voice too, please

  263. Imperial Dragon!

    I am a proud Misogynist. I hate child abuse, and women are the MAJORITY of child abusers. I have no problem with someone abusing, or taking the “rights” away from such a woman who does that. I would wish to “oppress” them. And even though there are mothers who don’t mistreat their kids, the mother over child is an power imbalance, in a world where we are supposed to recognize an imbalance in power, but only if it is men over women! We are not supposed to care if its women over men. I also don’t appreciate the double standard of having to care about women’s rights, when society doesn’t care about men’s rights. And I don’t appreciate any ideology that says that Men “run the world”. Most men do not, of course. Yes, There are 44 male presidents. And there are millions of men dead in wars, and homeless men. Which is a greater indicator of how most men are doing? I thought so.
    And the justice system is a corrupt system, including the lawyer profession. But, Lets talk about child-killers Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, or others. These women don’t “protect” their damn kids! From Men!! I wish to vilify the “good name” of motherhood, until I can find those who aren’t punitive. Yikes! And We can talk about Mary Winkler, getting away with murder! NOT JUST MEN HERE! Guys need To be liberated from this country!!! So Yes, Let us ABUSE these murderous, abusive mothers! Yes, beat the child-burning wretch, until bloody! Yes, This means more Domestic Violence! More Violence against Women!!! Whack! Whack!! OWW!!!!!!!!!! You cowardly, Child-whipping psycho whore!

  264. warlord

    I don’t why, but I was just sitting here thinking….I bet some of you feminist cunts on here are capable of giving a really good blowjob.

  265. warlord

    Another thing I was thinking about that dosen’t have a damn thing too do with any of the shit you’re talking about, but with all this Tiger Woods shit going on. Is it possible to look at Tiger’s wife Elin, and not wonder if the carpet matches the drapes? You think it’s kinda soft and straight or more curly?…And how hairy. These are important questions, even too my feminist friends out there. I’d love to know… And the way things are looking right now, I have a better chance of gettin my tongue between her legs right now than he does. Until she calls me, I’ll just have to dream about it I guess.


    Id fuck that bitch to death.
    Oh and that guy that raped you. Fucking owned your ass.
    ROFL. Get off his nuts bitch, its your fault.
    Fuck condoleeza rice, dumb bitch.

  267. *paging a mod*

    This is a deliberately unmoderated thread.

  268. mr anonymous

    greetings to all you readers i have a few things i’d like to say to all of you fucked up freaks out there that think that rape is ok, abusing women is good and that it’s freedom speech to talk and joke about it, you had all best hope to hell that i never meet you because if i do so help me god there wont be enough left of you to fill a matchbox. my mother was sexually assaulted by a rapist who was known to the authorities and had been tried for over a dozen previous accounts but hadn’t been locked up because of the fucked up legal system and scumbag lawyers who take pride in getting these bastards of the hook,even with eyewitnesses and DNA evidence he still got to go free with a paultry compensation fine. because of that bastard (i cant find a word strong enough to describe my hatred for him or a name strong enough to call him) my mother hasn’t been able to sleep more than 2-3 hours a day and is in constant fear of another attack, only recently, almost 8 years after it happened, has she been able to go to the beach on her own (she was attacked whilst walking on the beach). i can not imagine what it was like for her or any woman who has been raped, sexually assaulted, beaten or suffered any other kind of abuse at the hands of the filth that call themselves men. let this be a warning because if i find you, the people who condone this behaviour, i will make what happens in ‘law abiding citizen’ seem like a pleasent dream.
    to all the women who’ve suffered at the hands of bastards like that please accept my deepest apologies for what they have done and i implore you to please not view all men as being liken to those scum, most of us are decent people but it is those elements of society who drags us all down.

  269. These dumbbells are freaking wonderful! They have helped me get alot bigger. I love them!

  270. john

    I wonder ,
    There is nothing on earth but fucking .
    Talk about love . Say something about beautiful things on our planet . Speak loudly concerning the impoverished people in every corner on our mother earth . Please be human and lovely with understanding . Fucking is used inside closed doors . Humans now lost modesty . Their talk is becoming filthy . They are no more superb and peaceful . Filthy man talks about filth .
    Many people do not know the truth , therefore they are trapped by hypocrisy
    and misleading news and daily article based on wrong ideas and belief.
    The world community and all countries of the United Nations do not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of (Illegally migrated European Jews Government in the occupied Palestine ). It is the capital of Palestinians unchallenged, whether they like it or not . Palestine is the country of Palestinians since 8000 years . It is not for Jews at all , never , never , never . Jews came and gathered from more than 150 countries and occupied the land with the help of British and European Colonialists for many strategic reasons .This is the true fact . If somebody wants to change this fact , let him go to hell . The Wailing Wall Of Jerusalem was built by Ottoman Empire since 300 years back and it is not built by the Jews who are always telling false information and claiming it allegedly . Jews are considered the masters in changing the facts because the media is within their hands . Jerusalem Was the capital of Palestine before the illegally migrated Jews entered Palestinian territories without the permission of Government of Palestine in 1923 , coming from Europe in large numbers . Jerusalem is the capital of Palestinians now and then . These people always like to lie on others and deviate their proper thinking and wash their brains . This is the job of Jews anywhere and everywhere . They say that they are Semites but most of them are of Indo-Aryan origin. Original Jews have no blond hair at all . They look like middle eastern people . The original Jew has wheat-colored or brown complexion and others are black . Only European races have blond hair .
    Jews do not have a single trace of any heritage or ruins or artifacts or relics or cultural background in Palestine . They were nomads traveling from country to country .
    There was not a single legal Jew in Palestine since 1923( during British Mandate ) . Every country has Jews except Palestine in 1900.
    They have destroyed the land , demolished thousands of buildings , dismantled thousands of old olive trees ( 1000 years old ) , arrested and imprisoned 12000 Palestinians , killed thousands of children and women and elderly Palestinians , destroyed and occupied hundreds of Palestinian houses of worship , confiscated the whole country and since 62 years of Jewish occupation , there is no peace at all in Palestine . They destroyed 530 Palestinian towns completely . All Jews now are staying in the houses of Palestinians under the threat of arms .
    May God bless each and everybody without exception . We want peace to prevail the whole world .
    Brother from Bethlehem .

  271. pink sock

    Get a sense of humor… enjoy life…. learn to laugh…. or get out of our way. We have a GOOD life to live. Turn it off retards

  272. Mellissa Wedley

    Rape is funny as hell. I’ve been raped and found it the most spiritual and funny experience. My anus and vagina bled for days and just thinking of his erect cock inside me made me laugh and cry at the same time. I now rape other women with large black dildos to show them how funny it is. It makes me cum so goooood.

  273. EyeScream

    something tells me Imperial Dragon was abused by his mommy when he was a boy.

  274. Realist

    This was actually funny.

  275. Melissa McEwan

    Shakesville moved here:


    Please update your links.

  276. That may seem superior nevertheless i am still less than certain that I prefer it. Anyways will look further into it and decide personally! 🙂

  277. blew wale

    whats the difference between a rape joke and raping a woman?
    the rape joke still has intrinsic worth after its been used once.

  278. BonneBonne

    I was raped several times during my childhood beginning at age 4, ending when I was 13, starting up again when I was in college. It was, physically and emotionally, very painful, moreso than your one experience.

    And I laugh my ass off at rape jokes. I find them funny. 🙂
    Grow a sense of humor, woman! To me my experiences were like stubbed toes. You say ouch, limp for a bit, and MOVE THE FUCK ON. XD

  279. Les

    How many rapists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    Only one but they prefer soda bottles instead!!!
    Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

  280. BonneBonne

    I lol’d XD

  281. Your story nearly had me in tears. No one deserves this, and I hope you have found some healing. Few people who launch rape jokes into a conversation are sensitive to the reactions they may evoke in their audience. Unfortunately.
    I also oppose vehemently the above comment “My trauma was worse than yours and I laugh at rape jokes.” Well, guess what? No one gets to qualify their trauma as greater than another’s. And no one gets to tell other people how they ought respond to rape jokes!

  282. One of their guests, a man called Homeless Charlie, says, “I’ll tell you what—what’s that George Bush bitch, um, Rice…? Condoleezza Rice? … Keep posting … I’d love to fuck that bitch dead, man,” at which point the rest of the studio erupts into laughter. Homeless Charlie says again, “I’ll fuck that bitch to death,” to which Opie/Anthony reply, “I just imagine the horror in Condoleezza Rice’s face—” [uproarious laughter and interjection “When she realizes what’s going on!”] “—as you’re just like holding her down and fucking her.” More uproarious laughter, prompting Homeless Charlie to continue: “Punch her all in the fucking face—shut up, bitch!” Says Opie/Anthony: “That’s exactly what I meant!” [raucous laughter]

  283. Micaela

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for leaving this thread up, unmoderated for all to see. The responses are deeply disturbing but useful in that they illustrate how violently many people react when a woman says something they disagree with, or objects to something she finds offensive.

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  293. People are so fucking assholes. It’s terrifying to even think about. I’m sure the people saying these things aren’t dangerous… Until they are. How are we supposed to be able to tell? HOW CAN WE KNOW WHICH CISHET MAN TO TRUST TO NOT TRY AND HURT ME? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?

    Fight back. But not too hard, you must’ve provoked him.

    Be sexy, but only the way I want to.

    How much can someone fucking take? The last two days, a guy kept singing “Blurred Lines,” even though I was begging him not to. Begging. How degrading is that? “Don’t assume all men are rapists.”

    But how am I supposed to tell?

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