News from Shakes Manor

Well, we’ve got power back! (And internet service—woot!) I spoke to a guy from the power company last night who told me they’re still doing a lot of work in the area, and it looks at the moment like yet another storm is rolling in, so whether I’ll continue to have service is a charming little mystery, but I’ll take what I can get!

Anyway, if I disappear again, you know why…

That’s our front yard. The big hunk of tree lying across it is our neighbor’s, and you can just barely make out that its thickest bit stretches right across his driveway (on the right; it stretched even further across our lawn to the left). It was his power and cable lines that are wrapped up in it, too. He was fixing to start chainsawing the thing apart before the power company extricated his power lines, and I kindly requsted he waited until the lines were moved, as I didn’t want his corpse on my lawn alongside his tree.

You’ll also note that, across the street, those neighbors’ fence has collapsed. I saw a lot of that all over town yesterday, including lots of “tornado fences” (aka hurricane fences) which are meant to withstand this sort of thing. Some had been downed by trees, but some were just blown right over, it seemed. Mama Shakes told me the cross on the top of their church, which is on the other side of town, was blown nearly off the roof, as well.

There are quite a few roofs damanged by trees in the area; as you can see, I live in an older part of town with lots of big, old (beautiful) trees. So we’re very lucky. And, as a town, we’re pretty fortunate, too, as there’s only been one reported death. A guy who was riding a motorcycle in the storm (!!!) had a tree fall on top of him, but he escaped with scratches. Yeesh.

Btw, that red-leafed tree in our yard was blown nearly parallel to the ground as the storm started, and yet it stands, with almost no damage. Hearty little bugger.

Thanks again to everyone who sent their best wishes.


Filed under 01_shakespeares_sister

13 responses to “News from Shakes Manor

  1. jeff

    I still think you need the 1.21 Gigawatt nuc-ular powered generator to run the glass-enclosed nerve center hidden in the secret underground command bunker at Shakes Manor in the event of the NEXT storm. George Soros send that million dollar check yet?

  2. Kelley

    Daaaaaaaamn Shakes!! What a frackin’ mess! When does the power company propose to come out and remove the LIVE power lines from the front lawn??

  3. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Shakes}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  4. Wow, your neighborhood is so greeeen!! Sure you’re not secretly locaated on my little island this side of the pond?

  5. Marla Stevens

    Whew! Funny how some people — like your neighbor and Jerry Falwell — have trouble understanding unseen forces like electricity until it’s too late. Glad you were able to avoid having an even bigger mess on your hands.

  6. Hooray for the hearty little bugger and no corpses! Glad to see see you are online!

    After the remnants of Ivan came through the mtns of NC, I bought a generator, not nuclear though. Bailing water at 3 in the morning because there is no power to a sump pump is no fun! Nor did said bailing do much good as I was knee deep in water.

    Funny though, I have yet to need the generator since. It is here though and a backup sump pump, several inverters and marine batteries. The Electricity must flow…

  7. That is one tough tree! *hugs* Good to hear the power’s back on.

  8. Lookin’ like MY neighborhood, after tornadic winds blew through last night! Whew, what’s with the weather???

  9. I’m just glad you’re ok. If I think about it too much, I get all maudlin. I have a real love/hate thing with tornados and other crazy weather things. And earthquakes. They can be awesome as hell, and horrible.

  10. amish451

    Happy to see you weather’d the storm …it really is greeeen up there …..that’s from all the nitrogen that comes with the Lightning Bolts …
    ..and now for something completely different about the pics of Mr. Shakes on the John Deere

  11. I’m glad your power is back on. Around here, sometimes people are left without power for days after a major storm.

  12. RachelPhilPa

    I’m glad to hear that you’re ok. That must have been a really scary time.

    Your neighborhood looks be-e-ea-a-au-u-u-tiful (And so does that tough little bugger of a tree)! Bad tornado! Bad! Bad!

    He was fixing to start chainsawing the thing apart before the power company extricated his power lines…

    “I’m a Mannnn! A Real Mannn! I don’t care about any stinking wussy electrons! They can’t hurt me or get in the way of my using my big phallus-dentata chainsaw toy!!!”

    (Not that I have any objection to using phallus-dentata chainsaws…when used by someone with some intellligence…)

  13. Brenda Helverson

    In my County several years ago, a guy was driving along one evening and saw a little fire on the side of the road. Being a good Citizen, he stopped to put it out. Unfortunately, the fire was caused by a downed power line and he didn’t survive.

    Moral: When it comes to power, listen to Mama Melissa.

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