Rape is Hilarious, Part II

The two repulsive boils on the ass of humanity about whose hilarious rape humor I blogged earlier have issued an apology for, as either the AP or Times has laughably minimized it, their “sex comment.”

Opie and Anthony, whose full names are Anthony Cumia and Greg “Opie” Hughes, apologized to listeners on Friday’s show.

“We apologize to the public officials for comments that we made on our XM show on May 9th. We take very seriously the responsibility that comes with our creative freedom and regret any offense that this segment has caused,” they said.

Uh-huh. Well, I certainly hope “the public officials” accept their apology. As for me, I’m still waiting for an apology on behalf of all the women who have been and will be raped in no small part because of the festering shithole of misogyny known as American Media in which rape-glorification thrives and “the responsibility that comes with…creative freedom” never seems to include any accountability for making “jokes” that celebrate the sexual abuse of women.

To wit: XM Satellite Radio “deplores” the comments, but its spokesman “would not say whether XM planned to take disciplinary action.” Translation: We won’t do shit unless there’s too much bad publicity, because we’re quite content to promulgate virulently misogynistic filth as long as no one calls us one it.


Filed under 01_shakespeares_sister

60 responses to “Rape is Hilarious, Part II

  1. because we’re quite content to promulgate virulently misogynistic filth as long as no one calls us one it.

    And as long as we’re still making money.

    This just sickens me.

  2. Yeah, Imus “apologized” too. I hope it does these two just as much good.

  3. Spider

    Hey, look, an XM subscription I won’t have tomorrow!

  4. anangryoldbroad

    ‘regrets any offense this MAY have caused?’

    They knew it was offensive the second it started. Bullshit. They could have pulled the plug,or here’s a thought,not even fostered an environment where such a thing would even be welcomed. No,they sat there,laughed and encouraged it to keep going. This is a pattern of behavior,they hype that they’re “the virus”for hell’s sake. They’re proud of being an infection,a contaminant. I don’t really recall freedom of speech meaning that you had some god given right to be paid big money to be a fucking asshole. Not to mention how this helps to keep on normalizing and making entertainment out of violently and sexually violating women.

    I just turned 47 a couple weeks back. I always held out hope over these many moons that eventually the majority of men would smarten up as the years passed and realize that this is harmful and insulting to them too.It ruins their own relationships and attitudes too. But we’re just not there yet. There is a demand for this(Girls Gone Wild is another hateful cultural phenom I wish would die a horrific death,soon)and I have trouble letting that go or feeling at all good about it. If women could have ended rape(or at least made it so rare as to be highly unusual)we would have by now.Come On,we would have. I mean holy crap,every bit of”common wisdom”has been applied to this problem(meaning only women changing what they do,not men,we never seem to have those discussions)has been and women are still being raped,daily,all over the nation. It’s not just a “women’s issue”women aren’t doing the raping,hellooo?

    We really need men,rape won’t end,violence and sexual violence toward women won’t end until men stand with us and fight this crap too. Men have to start going public and challenging this. Loudly,in huge numbers. It’s enough,I’m weary of a lifetime of seeing this bullshit over and over again.(ack,sorry,this hits close to home for me too,in many ways)

  5. If women could have ended rape (or at least made it so rare as to be highly unusual) we would have by now.

    ’cause I felt this was worth repeating.

  6. I think you’ll find this interesting:

    Female ducks fight back against ‘raping’ males
    16:35 01 May 2007
    NewScientist.com news service
    Andy Coghlan

    Some female ducks and geese have evolved complex genitalia to thwart unwelcome mating attempts, according to a new study.

    Males of some species, such as mallard, have a notorious habit of “raping” females. They and other wildfowl are among the 3% of bird species whose males have phalluses big enough to insert into the vaginas of females, whether or not the female consents.

    Now, in the most detailed analysis yet of duck and goose vaginas, researchers have established that females of these species have evolved vaginal features to thwart unwelcome males.

    Tim Birkhead at the University of Sheffield in the UK and colleagues examined vaginas and the corresponding phalluses from 16 wildfowl species. They discovered that the longer and more elaborate the male member, the longer and more elaborate its female recipient was.

    No-entry signs

    Some vaginas had spiral channels that would impede sex by twisting in the opposite direction to that of the male phallus. Others had as many as eight cul-de-sac pouches en route, that could prevent fertilisation by capturing unwelcome sperm. Moreover, these features were only found in species renowned for forced sex. All other species had simple male and female genitalia.

    “These structures are wonderfully devious, sending sperm down the wrong road or impeding penetration,” says Birkhead.

    He says that the features demonstrate an evolutionary “arms race” in which control over reproduction alternates between the sexes. If the male develops a longer, more elaborate phallus to force copulation, females wrest back control by developing features to thwart males who rape.

    “It shows that females are not passive in averting exploitation by males with large phalluses,” says Birkhead.

    The study appears in the online version of the journal PLoS ONE.

  7. Nik E Poo

    I think you’ll find this interesting:


  8. Nope.

    I was writing to Melissa. But, thanks for being rude, anyway.

  9. And, I think the way the article is written and the assumption that birds “rape” says something about the human beings involved in the study.

    Since a female duck or a goose can’t tell us whether or not the sex was consensual, the idea that the mating is forced is really only based on our perception — very anthropomorphic if you ask me.

  10. Brooks

    Well, if that phrasing isn’t so glossily pro-forma as to not have a thing to do with the offense….

    If they don’t actually say what they’re apologizing for, do we really have to make the generous assumption?

  11. In the video talking about this at CNN, they go over a bit — still don’t mention that the show took a swipe at the Queen of England, too — and then mention the apology. Opie and Anthony apparently cut their show two hours short after their apology, however at the very end of the video you can hear one of them saying just after the apology that their true fans will understand, “you’ll see…”.

    Their true fans? These, of course, would be the ones that think rape is fun and cool and pay $1.99 a month to get their jollies listening to rape fantasies among other so-called “jokes.” The comment just proves what we knew: they aren’t apologetic at all.

  12. Steve from Yellowstone

    You know I’ve read your posts and everyone’s comments and you know what, all of you are reading way too much into this.

    A) They were the crazed ramblings of a man who’s been homeless for 11 years.

    B) NO ONE used the word rape. Rape was never really implied. Sure, Anthony said hold her down and the horror on her face. I’m sure “Homeless Charlie” isn’t exactly the best looking or guy and that would have to happen for the situation. It DOES NOT mean or imply rape in any way.

    C)When Charlie said “Fuck that bitch to death,” I doubt he mean literally death. He probably meant he have sex with her until she couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve heard the term out of many non-misogynistic men. I just means that, “giving her it and then some.” Plus, if he did really mean death, it’s Laura Bush. Maybe he’s left-learning and really does hate the conservative First Lady. I know I do. Maybe not to the degree of killing her but I am not a fan of her or her husband.

    D)Why do you care? You don’t even listen to the show. You’re kids are going to listen to the show if you’re all good parents. You heard one minute of a show that’s been on for over 15 years with tons of back stories and inflections that long-time fans, the kind that shell out 12.99 a month to hear the XM portion, would know about. There was one part that was ant’ tagged in from Thursday’s FreeFM show that Anthony said that, “What he [Charlie] is saying is REALLY horrible, it’s also pretty funny, but just plain awful.

    I guess the bottom line of my rant is if you don’t want to hear. Just don’t listen. And for those of your worrying about your kids, shut the fuck up. If you’re a good parent, your kids won’t hear the bad things. It’s not the world’s job to parent your children. It’s your job. You know, heck we all know, your kids will find Playboys, someone’s child will swear on the playground, they’ll sneak into an R-rated movie. It happens and most of them grow up fine.

  13. vcdburn

    I hear ya Steve. We pay, they don’t listen. Sounds like a plan.

  14. A) So this is a real homeless person? And he’s really mentally ill? So making fun of the homeless and mentally ill makes this all better how? Your proposition A is not an excuse — it’s another reason these people should not have a show.

    B) What part of “fuck that bitch to death” doesn’t mean rape? They have to say the word explicitly for normal, sane people to understand exactly what is meant? Your proposition B does not pass the average intelligence test: people of average intelligence no the difference between fucking and fucking to death.

    C) Playing the literal game again, eh? See B for why C doesn’t pass the smell test, much less the intelligence test.

    D) Why do we care? Because we are society. And society is tire of people like Opie and Anthony getting away with talk that degrades 50% of humanity, and make the other 50% look like raping pigs. (No offense to real pigs.)

    There are many things in our society that we don’t allow people to buy. They are anathema to the fabric of a good society. This kind of violent talk and misuse of the mentally ill (if indeed Homeless Charlie is such and not just an actor playing a character) needs to be included. You don’t get to buy rape talk that makes real raped women cringe again as they remember their horrible attacks. You don’t get to laugh at the mentally ill. This is not about free speech, because every right in the Constitution is not absolute. You don’t get to yell fire in a crowded theater. If we have our way, Opie and Anthony won’t get to laugh about fucking people to death again either. And Imus won’t get to joke about good women being ho’s.

    And, by the way, if your children are saying more than the word “fuck”… if they are saying “I’m gonna fuck the whore to death” and pointing to the little girl across the playground, you better take your kid to some serious psychiatric counseling before he grows up and hurts someone. Because he will, by either doing so or by looking the other way and laughing when someone is.

  15. Travis Tefft

    “A) So this is a real homeless person? And he’s really mentally ill? So making fun of the homeless and mentally ill makes this all better how? Your proposition A is not an excuse — it’s another reason these people should not have a show.”

    Yes he’s a real homeless man. He was given a forum to speak his mind, he was given food, he was given money, and he was treated like a real human being. What have you done for the homeless lately? You took a 15 second sound clip of a crude guy telling jokes completely out of context. Immediately after that sound clip he goes on to talk about freedom of speech and how anyone should be able to say whatever they want as long as they don’t physically hurt someone. Yes, the homeless guy said that. He has a better concept of logic and patriotism than you do, despite being homeless.

    “B) What part of “fuck that bitch to death” doesn’t mean rape? They have to say the word explicitly for normal, sane people to understand exactly what is meant? Your proposition B does not pass the average intelligence test: people of average intelligence no the difference between fucking and fucking to death.”

    He’s a black man using slang. If you don’t understand the slang, fine. Sit around with your fat white women friends and complain about random shows you don’t listen to hurting your feelings. Racist bitch. And I don’t even mind that you’re racist, I’ll defend your right to say whatever you want about black people as long as you don’t act on your racist words.

    “C) Playing the literal game again, eh? See B for why C doesn’t pass the smell test, much less the intelligence test.”

    You know that game Madden? I played that game to death. You see what I did there? The actual dvd of the game didn’t really die, I just played it till I couldn’t play it anymore. I know you’re not “hip” but at least have some common sense.

    “D) Why do we care? Because we are society. And society is tire of people like Opie and Anthony getting away with talk that degrades 50% of humanity, and make the other 50% look like raping pigs. (No offense to real pigs.)”

    We’re a society founded on the right to express ourselves in whatever manner we choose. Just because someone makes a joke doesn’t mean they hate women and think men should rape everyone. Opie and Anthony are in commited relationships, treat their girlfriends properly and donate to charities. Anthony’s girlfriend is currently in the process of doing a walkathon for suicide/depression victims and Anthony Cumia’s name is right there next to her’s for 1000 dollars, along with another 500+ from many of the “horrible people” who listen to his program. To earn money O&A tell jokes. Most of their jokes aren’t offensive to anyone, they’re just funny. Some jokes are offensive however, that’s why they’re called “shock jocks” and are put in the adult section of the radio channels. They also have a show where they adhere to FCC rules and broadcast on FreeFM without any problems.

  16. steve the whistler

    what is truly sad is that you can not comprehend how someone can be very tough on crime, loathe child molestors, rapists, muggers, etc, while still being able to make jokes about it.

    the two are not exclusive. many people find humor in the things that they also find reprehensible. its not opie and anthonys’s fault, that you are not one of those people.

    but the nerve of you to decide that the rest of us should not be allowed to find that entertaining. its not your decision to make for us.

  17. Blahblahimafatfeminaziblah

    If you don’t like it, don’t listen.
    Fritz is a chubby chaser.
    The only thing being raped here is the stretch pants that Melissa shoehorns herself into every morning before putting on her La Gear sneakers.

  18. Anonymous

    Men like me make rape jokes as well as other dark satire all the time, and like it or not, whatever man you ever duped into spending time with you is lying if they say otherwise.
    Feminazi’s like you are ruining this country, ride a fucking bike you fucking moon of Jupiter.
    P.S. whoever raped you could have just waited at the exit of a bar at 3am and gotten it consenually without the beached whale-like “struggle” you probably gave. What a shit load of fuck.

  19. jack london

    Go blog yourself a heart attack fatty.

    You suck at life.

    (sorry to who ever I stole that from)

  20. FunnyRapeComicGuy

    Were you as clogged as your greasy arteries are on that fictional night in where you claim that a human male actually wanted to engage in intercourse with a manatee?
    Shakesville is right, the earth shakes whenever you venture out from your computer room to grab a snack*.
    * – 5 Cheesesteaks

  21. LiddyRules

    You really think that Opie and Anthony and the rest of the American media (as opposed to the woman-loving European media) making jokes about rape is going to lead to more rapes? So out of curiosity, in your opinion should people stop joking about murder and death? Or because you were never murdered/die it doesn’t bother you as much?

    And the “jokes” didn’t celebrate the rape of the women. There’s a difference between flowery descriptions and high fiving picturing Condi Rice getting raped.

    Our of curiosity, what to you is misogyny and what would not be misogyny? Do you consider those commercials where the pussy-whipped guys bows doing like a submissive pansy to do his bitchy wife’s bidding misoginistic? Because I think showing women as so god damned annoying and c-wordty that they destroy a man’s confidence and self-respect shows them in a LOT worse light than what Opie and Anthony did.

    Or, because it was an evil thing with a penis that is put down in those commercials, it’s good because all men are superbad and evil, right? Except for those who just nod with agreement over everything you say.

    God, that rape must have messed you up something fierce.

  22. Angel

    you people are so fucking hypocritical. who are you to say what is funny and what is not? who sets the line? who defines free speech?

    what sickens me is that you think you have a right to take something so horribly out of context and brand is deplorable based on your standards. The fact is, they put a homeless man on air and let him ramble.

    Sure XM could’ve dumped out of the “offensive” comments, but it is an “explicit language” subscription service. The people who subscribe to the service have a right to listen to what they choose just as you have the right to not listen to it.

    In short, fuck you and your mothers

    Happy Mothers Day!

  23. Sean

    we’re sowwy

  24. Anonymous

    Rape is funny. GREAT BLOG

  25. Mr. Derp

    It would be funny if someone was raped next to an XM Boombox playing The Virus 202.

  26. I think the point you’re missing here is that they have a right to think and say whatever they want. You can’t stop that. And being that they’re on XM, on a channel that can be blocked no one hears their show; unless they want to hear it. Really, you have no right to try and get them off the air. It is a private, pay radio network that takes pride in allowing free speech that is not allowed on normal airwaves.

    No one forced you to listen to O&A (Hell, I doubt you even did anyway) and frankly, had this been on broadcast radio, the same would be true. Change the station.

  27. Jame Gumb

    I want to say that you people serve a purpose too. Wouldya’ like to help me make a dress?

  28. die, pigs!

    YOU are society? Who appointed you as “Society”. You in no way represent me. My choices. Or my thoughts. You in no way will determine what I should and shouldn’t laugh at. You pigs are what make this country sick. Everybody had a right to say what they want…as long as it’s ok with you, right? You all deserve to get cancer.

  29. Steve from Yellowstone

    You know, i’ve studied a lot about today’s American society.

    They’re a very lazy bunch who love their guns, violence, sex, fast food, SUVs, and being selfish. In other words, they don’t give two shits. So, you are nothing like society.

  30. youracunt

    omg why the fuck do you even have a computer, let alone a blog. i hope you get aids while being raped by a homeless man in the alleyways of new york. you cunt. then again if any man would want to rape your gigantic ass, i’d be shocked more than i was while listening to O&A.

    go away, quit typing and please.. listen to the show before you spew bullshit onto the internet.

    fantastic rape comics:

    haha funny laugh rape comics

  31. “I think the point you’re missing here is that they have a right to think and say whatever they want. You can’t stop that. And being that they’re on XM, on a channel that can be blocked no one hears their show; unless they want to hear it. Really, you have no right to try and get them off the air. It is a private, pay radio network that takes pride in allowing free speech that is not allowed on normal airwaves.”

    I think the point you’re missing is the freedom of speech is not absolute. You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. You cannot incite people to riot. You can’t subscribe to people who yell fire in a crowded theater either. And if a lot of people find your speech offensive, they have a right to speak out and act against it just as you all have the right to come here and post your misogynist, vile shit.

    Every message left by one of you pests just proves what asshats you are. Keep digging yourselves further. Hiding behind the First Amendment is laughable.

    I wish I could take myself out of the society you’re in, but I can’t. I’m part of it. And I will be damned if I will let you just walk all over it and control it. Maybe you’ll win this time. Maybe I’ll win next time. But I’m not going to roll over and let people who think rape is funny just get off scot free.

    Opie and Anthony and all DJs like them are useless filth. I can’t wait for them to be cancelled. Sponsors are already leaving. It’s only a matter of time.

  32. LiddyRules

    Are we actually at a point where people don’t understand the difference between yelling fire in a crowded theater, and joking about rape? Dean Lewis, do you understand the difference? Because if you don’t, you have no place in this conversation.

    And I wish I could take myself out of a society with people like you in it. People who care more about their faux-morality and “sensitivity” than letting people who enjoy dark humor laugh at dark humor. Yes, you don’t find rape funny, and no one is advocating rape but if a show happens to do a segment involving rape that happens to be comical then why is it up to you to take a show like that away from the people who like it? If you don’t like the show, fine, just don’t listen. But don’t try to impose your morality on me.

  33. Jodie Foster

    Check out my new movie, “The Accused”. The feel good comedy of the year.

  34. Dean Lewis's Manhood

    I’m so small and insignificant maybe if I kiss up to some fat twat on the blogosphere I’ll get laid. Has anyone found my testicles?

  35. William Burr

    “Opie and Anthony and all DJs like them are useless filth. I can’t wait for them to be cancelled. Sponsors are already leaving. It’s only a matter of time.”

    Exactly. It has nothing to do with “hate speech” and “advocating rape”. Any moron can see they obviously weren’t and were only making a joke.

    You want anything you don’t like to go away. That’s the reason the 1st amendment exists stupid. To protect people from self-important dickwads like yourself.

    You know what. Everything you say should be banned from the internet. You can’t yell fire in a movie theater, why should you be allowed to disparage the most important right of this country?

    We could use your ridiculous fire in a movie theater argument to defend removing any right to free speech you fascist, self-righteous douche bag. Your life must be miserable if all you can do is sit on a feminist blog and “fight” to remove humor and free speech from this world. Kill yourself you fucking bore.

  36. Eric Paulsen

    Why is it that all of the knuckle-walking, pick-up loving, homo-hating Johnny Lunchpails come out to defend the 1st Amendment ONLY when the most hatefilled vile dreck is under atack? So I guess that rape is a BIG hit in the marketplace of ideas with all of these limp dicks posting their sophomoric attacks on this blog?

    Their mothers must be so fucking proud of their LITTLE MEN.

  37. Eric Paulsen's Non-existant Testicles

    Their mother’s are probably prouder than yours. No mother wants a ball-less, constantly offended little pansy hanging out on feminist message boards and bitching about his hurt feelings. Have fun being Mother’s little humorless faggot, you uninteresting shitdick. I’m sure she’s so proud of the fact that all your friends consist of fat, hideous single women who can’t seem to shut the fuck up about anything.

  38. Eric Paulsen's Non-existant Testicles

    Their mother’s are probably prouder than yours. No mother wants a ball-less, constantly offended little pansy hanging out on feminist message boards and bitching about his hurt feelings. Have fun being Mother’s little humorless faggot, you uninteresting shitdick. I’m sure she’s so proud of the fact that all your friends consist of fat, hideous single women who can’t seem to shut the fuck up about anything.

  39. Eric Paulsen

    Struck a nerve did I? So what is it with you – are you afraid that you aren’t able to satisfy a woman or do you know you can’t? Are you angry because they won’t give you the time of day because you’re too ugly or stupid or violent or crass? And what is your fixation with my junk? I think you have got some serious issues.

    Why don’t you go shuffle off to the cretaceous era where you belong, or evolve? Either way.

  40. LiddyRules

    “Why is it that all of the knuckle-walking, pick-up loving, homo-hating Johnny Lunchpails come out to defend the 1st Amendment ONLY when the most hatefilled vile dreck is under atack?”

    Because that’s when we need to defend the first amendment most. No one is going to cry over nice language. But to defend “indecent” language is when the first amendment should be protected. People aren’t going to cry foul over “Puppies And Rainbows.”

    That is until the Dog-Allergic-Brigade and the Color Blind Society bitches.

  41. LiddyRules

    And for those of you people against us, try and think of something a bit more intelligent to defend your points?

    Instead of focusing on the issues, you are challenging us with personal attacks, much like you’re against the Opie and Anthony show for doing. You’re calling us “cretins,” you’re bashing our mothers, you’re calling us knuckle-draggers, and the like.

    How is that so much better than what a number of us are doing? At best you’re following the tactics of the worst of us. At worst you really have no defense so you have to fall back on these insults.

    So how about you leave our mothers out of it, (btw, my mother would probably be happy that I found something to be passionate about in my life), and post actual intelligent comments in response to us?

  42. JEEEEEBUS H. Christus!

    I go and have a sleep, (The time difference you know.) and someone leaves the door and all the worlds shit blows in. I may not be in total agreement with Sis on this which I am not but the foul bastards that come round and call this wonderful WOMAN all sorts of filth want to make me PUKE! When you have no argument throw handfuls of shit. being their only modus which they have obviously learned from the filth that sits in the White House and believes the world is theirs for the stealing.

  43. LiddyRules

    Ok GOM, first off not everyone is just throwing out filth.

    Secondly, you are mad at the show for talking about the rape of important people in the Bush administration. Then you go and say how all we do is love the Bush administration. So what exactly is your point? And I’m not a Bush fan but to say that we learned foul language from that Administration? Are you serious?

    And what the hell is with people on this site celebrating the fact that they’re closer to death than the rest of us? Being old doesn’t make you special, it just means Death has decided not to bother with you yet.

  44. I think a few people need a little education about the First Amendment. It reads thus:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Hmmmm…I don’t recall anyone calling for congress to pass laws in any of these discussions.

    I think a few bad trolls need a spanking. Let me find my crop!

  45. Amadi

    Are we actually at a point where people don’t understand the difference between yelling fire in a crowded theater, and joking about rape?

    Yes, clearly we are. Because one has the potential for causing a panic that might endanger a finite number of people, while the other does unfailingly serve to both coarsen the public discourse and reinforce the strength of the rape culture in which we live.

    I’m wondering if the defenders of Opie & Anthony would be so quick to yell “joke!” if “Homeless Charlie” walked up to their mothers, wives, sisters or daughters on the street and said “Yo, look at this bitch! She fine! I wanna fuck this bitch to death!”

    Somehow I don’t think so.

  46. Eric Paulsen

    Leave your mother out of this LiddyDrools? All I said was that she must be so proud of a rape defending misogynist. In what what is that an attack on your mother? Oh, and I called you KNUCKLE-WALKERS not KNUCKLE-DRAGGERS, big difference. Knuckle-draggers have evolved enough to walk upright without using their forelimbs for locomotion, I would never presume that of you.

    For those who complain that we are just a bunch of humorless anti-freespeechers here’s a joke for you:

    A pedophile and a little boy are walking in an old dark forest. The little boy looks up at the pedophile and says “This forest is really scary!” The pedophile swallows hard and says to the little boy “You think this is scary? I have to walk out of here alone.”

    I laughed when I first heard that joke, but the difference between you and me is that I can see the horror behind the humor. Like jokes about rape I know the hurt that this joke has for parents who have lost children to incomprehensible monsters. And just maybe what I have that you lack is the ability to sympathize with them, you know, empathy (look it up). So knowing rape victims personally I have nothing but sympathy for the victims and nothing but seething hatred for their amoral attackers.

    If I had my way rape would be a death penalty offense.

  47. If I had my way rape would be a death penalty offense.

    And apologizing for it, even acting as if is no big deal, would be punishable as well, in my book.

    That’s cool, assholes. You obviously need to make fun of people using whatever mode makes you feel best (or is easiest for your putrefied intellects to create), but it doesn’t make you anything other than fine examples of members of the troglodytsia. Choke on your own putrid smell elsewhere; we, unlike yourselves, haven’t gotten use to the reek.

  48. Anonymous

    Don’t worry. These trolls are usually kids from 4chan with very few offline friends who like to imagine themselves as Maddox or someone equally overrated. They strive so hard to offend as often and as harshly as they can to compensate for their inadequacies.

  49. Stephanie

    “You want anything you don’t like to go away. That’s the reason the 1st amendment exists stupid. To protect people from self-important dickwads like yourself. ”

    To the author of the above: I think you are somewhat confused. I myself have a knee-jerk reaction against government censorship. Why? Because I like the 1st amendment. I like the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights holds a special place in my shriveled heart. I like the whole free market place of ideas thing.

    I am also entirely on the side of those calling for a boycotts and letter-writing. I generally consider boycotts and letters to be the appropriate response to such comments.

    There is no contradiction here. Until you can understand that fact, then I doubt you’ll be passing that ConLaw class – the 1st amendment prevents the government from controlling the speech of its citizens. You, however, are entirely free to tell people to sit down and shut up. And they’re entirely free to tell you to fuck yourself, in response. And you’re both totally, utterly free to go back and forth, and back and forth, and nary a violation of your first amendment rights in sight.

    Don’t like it? Then write your own letter.

    The fact that someone is in a paid forum, or even a private forum, does not somehow magically exempt them from criticism. And people can reasonably choose to boycott a company they find supports something they dislike even if they aren’t personally exposed to the offending comment – I mean, why would anyone give money to a corporation if they knew part of it was going to support something they couldn’t stand? Furthermore, it is quite stupid to boycott someone without telling them why. Thus letters.

    In conclusion: Jimminy Crickets, you two (I’m pretty sure there’s only two of you, perhaps three) are disturbed individuals. No, really – do you always post questionably-legal threats and nasty pictures when someone insults your taste in radio shows?

    Note how I am not in any way, shape or form a part of the US government, and thus I am in no way infringing on your 1st amendment rights when I kindly recommend that you shut up and grow up. All two of you.

    You are now equally free to tell me to fuck off.

    I’m hoping you do it with macros. Words are not your strong suite. Either of you.

    PS To Melissa: I was just directed to this site for the first time, and so far I have to say I like your writing style and I’m very impressed by the personal strength you’ve shown in talking about traumatizing things in front of what you probably knew was going to be a partially hostile audience. I’ve only read a few posts, but I’ll probably be following you from now on.

  50. Stephanie

    “You want anything you don’t like to go away. That’s the reason the 1st amendment exists stupid. To protect people from self-important dickwads like yourself. ”

    To the author of the above: I think you are somewhat confused. I myself have a knee-jerk reaction against government censorship. Why? Because I like the 1st amendment. I like the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights holds a special place in my shriveled heart. I like the whole free market place of ideas thing.

    I am also entirely on the side of those calling for a boycotts and letter-writing. I generally consider boycotts and letters to be the appropriate response to such comments.

    There is no contradiction here. Until you can understand that fact, then I doubt you’ll be passing that ConLaw class – the 1st amendment prevents the government from controlling the speech of its citizens. You, however, are entirely free to tell people to sit down and shut up. And they’re entirely free to tell you to fuck yourself, in response. And you’re both totally, utterly free to go back and forth, and back and forth, and nary a violation of your first amendment rights in sight.

    Don’t like it? Then write your own letter.

    The fact that someone is in a paid forum, or even a private forum, does not somehow magically exempt them from criticism. And people can reasonably choose to boycott a company they find supports something they dislike even if they aren’t personally exposed to the offending comment – I mean, why would anyone give money to a corporation if they knew part of it was going to support something they couldn’t stand? Furthermore, it is quite stupid to boycott someone without telling them why. Thus letters.

    In conclusion: Jimminy Crickets, you two (I’m pretty sure there’s only two of you, perhaps three) are disturbed individuals. No, really – do you always post questionably-legal threats and nasty pictures when someone insults your taste in radio shows?

    Note how I am not in any way, shape or form a part of the US government, and thus I am in no way infringing on your 1st amendment rights when I kindly recommend that you shut up and grow up. All two of you.

    You are now equally free to tell me to fuck off.

    I’m hoping you do it with macros. Words are not your strong suite. Either of you.

    PS To Melissa: I was just directed to this site for the first time, and so far I have to say I like your writing style and I’m very impressed by the personal strength you’ve shown in talking about traumatizing things in front of what you probably knew was going to be a partially hostile audience. I’ve only read a few posts, but I’ll probably be following you from now on.

  51. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    Free castration for all misogynists. Now that’s funny!

  52. Army of dead prostitutes&witches

    Oh and thank-you Mr Paulsen. It’s so refreshing to hear from a real man, instead of the piles of shit that we are so often subjected to.
    Of course we don’t want to fuck them. Which explains why they are so desperate to promote rape. As well as the ‘fixation’ with men who are not similarly dickless and pathetic.

  53. Because that’s when we need to defend the first amendment most. No one is going to cry over nice language. But to defend “indecent” language is when the first amendment should be protected.

    Look, you assclown (hey, just exercising my right to free speech!), -all- the First Amendment guarantees is that you will not be persecuted by the state for what you say. Which is totally being followed here, on account of no one is sending -these- two assclowns to -jail-, neh?

    the First Amendment does not, nor ever did, guarantee a high-paid media flunkie job security.

    Boycotts and letters to the boss expressing dislike for the employees’ performance do not in any way interfere with the First Amendment.

    Their job depends on their making the bosses money. Bosses fear they will no longer be making the bosses money: buh bye. But here, have a lovely stump in the middle of the park/second to the last barstool as a parting gift, where you can rant to your heart’s content.

    What? I mean, -homelessness- is -funny-, too, right? I mean, it probably won’t get that far with the dudes, but if it did, it’d be -funny,- right? Plus, it’s the American Way! What, you’ve got some kind of problem with capitalism now? Why do you hate America so much, why?

  54. Rich's Girl

    There, they apologised – happy now?

    You should be apologising to them for your unnecessary attacks on their freedom of speech.

    Do me a favour ok, see a counsellor, put the past behind you and MOVE ON.

  55. busty betty

    whats the difference between raping a white girl and and rapping a black girl,the black girl deserves it

  56. Purrrple Penny

    Rich’s Girl/Busty Betty; Obviously both men, or rich blonde bitches who’ve never been raped. Should both be at best completely ignored and at worst repeatedly mocked for being insensitive pieces of shit.

  57. Ha, I love when they joke about rape it’s “freedom of speech”, and when you call them on their shit, it’s “a call for censorship”. Hipocrisy is hilarious. Unlike rape.

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