Fuckabee 4 Pres!

Since I’m a good conservative Christian girl, I was already really quite fond of GOP candidate Mike Fuckabee because he’s big on personal responsibility and he’s one of the best gay-haters in all the land. But now that I know he’s also a “rash, devious crybaby incapable of admitting error” who schemed to parole a convicted rapist (whose victim just happened to be a distant cousin of Bill Clinton), I love him even more. Better yet, the paroled rapist, who had also “helped beat a soldier to death with a claw hammer,” went on to kill a woman after his release.

H/T to Ivory Bill Woodpecker.

(In doing some background on this case, I found this 2005 piece on “the extraordinary steps Gov. Mike Huckabee took to help win Dumond’s freedom,” which was written by Murray Waas, indispensable investigative reporter for the National Journal whose name will certainly be familiar to long-time Shakers, as I’ve referenced his work a lot, most recently Tuesday.)


Filed under 01_shakespeares_sister

12 responses to “Fuckabee 4 Pres!

  1. oddjob

    You mean he could have a competitor offer up a “Willie Horton” campaign ad against him?


  2. What a tragic and disturbing story.

  3. WOW

    Just wow. I never dreamed that there could be someone that unashamedly evil in public office…

    Oh yeah, Chimpy! Darth Cheney! and the Rovester.

    i’m still shocked

  4. Sounds like ideal Republithug material to me. And that “never made a mistake it was the other guy” sounds pretty familiar also. Wonder where he got it from.

  5. Constant Comment

    And then there are his charming sons…

  6. Arkades

    That’s Huckabee at his worst: rash, devious, incapable of admitting error, a crybaby and definitely not, I submit, presidential material.

    Uh oh. Sounds just like the Second Coming of Dubya, and we’re not even rid of the first one yet.

  7. It’s like the limbo. How low can they go.

  8. Huckabeen has other things going for him besides the Wayne DuMond controversy. (He was inaccurate when he wrote about DuMond in his latest book that Wayne died in prison awaiting trial. Actually Wayne had already been convicted of murdering one woman and was in prison because of that and was suspected of murdering another. He downplays his “Dear Wayne” letter too.) My former Governor couldn’t cut a vacation short after the Jonesboro school shootings, but could find the time to publish a book on why kids kill and make some money off of the dead kids. He never met a trough he didn’t belly up to including flying in our state police plane everywhere at taxpayer expense (for security reasons don’t you know), trying to claim gifts to the Governor’s Mansion and the Governor’s Office were meant for him, and signing up for a Bridal Gift Registry when he was leaving the mansion to start life in his own 3/4 million dollar house in case anyone wanted to give him gifts he really wanted. Toss in him calling environmentalists “environmental whackos” and saying they love nature more than Jesus and you have a great Republican candidate. At least he spends most of his time out of Arkansas now. His major claim to fame? He is half the man he used to be. Did I mention his wife sold vinyl siding while First Lady? Pure class. The entire family. Enjoy

  9. oddjob

    Did I mention his wife sold vinyl siding while First Lady? Pure class.


    And he’s a Baptist preacher, too, right?


  10. What about that whole “Covenant marriage” crap which, to me, sounds like it gives the man license to abuse his wife. Uuuhg. Makes me shiver. Ewww.

  11. Huckabeen WAS a baptist preacher, but now apparently he is looking for a bullier pulpit than simply preaching the word of Jesus to a couple of hundred followers. When his campaign for Vice President peters out he will end up at one of our religious colleges here in Arkansas trying to be a fund raiser. Mark my words, if he is elected either VP or P you will eventually see a doublewide on the White House lawn. (We saw that at our Governor’s Mansion.) No word about plans to install a fat-lady-bending-over yard-art piece in the rose garden yet.

  12. oddjob

    No word about plans to install a fat-lady-bending-over yard-art piece in the rose garden yet.


    Pure white trash in all its glory!!!!!!!!!!

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