
GOP Republican candidate and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee must be one proud papa: “His 26-year-old son, David, just got busted at Little Rock, Arkansas’s airport today when an X-ray spotted a loaded Glock in his carry-on luggage. You know, like the one Cho Seung-Hui used in the Virginia Tech shootings.”

Ouch. More here, including some of that good, upstanding, conservative personal responsibility from gun-toting sonny’s pres-wannabe pops: “My wife and I love our son. What he did was irresponsible but not intentional. It’s one of those stupid things.”

Yeah, I do that all the time.

[H/T Constant Comment.]


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7 responses to “Oops

  1. burnt toast

    the lack of critical gun debate after VT by democrats is deafening… good opinion piece:

    Guns and More Guns

  2. Constant Comment

    The wingnuts must love this guy! The (not so) weird part about this is that this creepy dude (really, he is so totally a Bubba) has already had justice meted out to him. As you can imagine, just a slap on the wrist. Because, you know, that could happen to anyone….

  3. What does this say about ahem, responsible gun ownership?

    If you can’t remember that you have a loaded Glock in your luggage, what keeps you from “forgetting” about it around the house, the kids, the neighbor’s kids? Etc…

    If we can’t find Democrats with the balls/ovaries to ban handguns, can’t we AT LEAST attach some serious punishment to airheads like this who treat these deadly weapons with such a caviler attitude?

    And before some troll starts to tear me up – I was raised in a gun culture. There were weapons in my house growing up, and I was given guns as gifts as a child. I was taught to respect them and handle them safely. As an adult, I made a conscious decision to rid myself of all firearms.

  4. And more here. The problem at VT was, apparently, a dearth of guns.

  5. I’m going to keep saying it everywhere until somebody responds. Regulate the militia. The right to keep and bear arms is contingent on a well regulated militia. Gun owners are militia and should be made to conform to regulation. I would suggest requiring a course of basic training as well.

  6. Erin M

    Did he get a nice personal meeting with a cheerful civil servant with cold rubber gloves? I’d hate to think he was singled out for special treatment, y’know?

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